Friday, October 30, 2009

father daughter love

Show & Tell: Father-Daughter. Note: child pictured. Tessa is now 8. This "show" is from when she had just turned 1. I love this memory. See what my classmates are showing and telling over at Mel's. at 4:00 PM ..."My dad is probably gonna love it," Handler quipped. "Because he thinks I'm very sexual." Ummmmm...ewwwwwwwwwww. A father should NEVER look at or think of his daughter that way. Again...ewwwwww. ...A Father's Love: Hurry Home A� Jason Michael Carroll More CMT Music More CMT Music Videos. Just in case the allegory isn't fairly obvious, note that Mr. Carroll's father was a Baptist preacher. Posted by The Donald at 8:01 PM ...Mark Wahlberg might love acting, but there's something he loves even more than doing what he does best a�� being a father to kids Ella and Michael and the daughter he and his wife are expecting soon. a�?He's so in love with the idea of ...She's just in this for the money, and she is currently having a public feud with the father of her teenage daughter's child who is himself cashing in by posing for Playgirl. This isn't a credible politician. It is a guide to family love and the triumphs of a wonderful daughter.a�? a��Juan Williams, author of Eyes on the Prize. a�?This extraordinary book is a father's tribute to an amazing daughter who took on ...A Father's Love. October 27, 2009 a�� duncanr. A funeral service will be held on Nov 9th for Helen Smith who died in 1979. For the past 30 years her body has lain in a morgue because her father, Ron Smith, would not accept the result of an investigation that ruled her death was an accident. ... I have no idea why Helen's parents are divorced, however, I imagine his refusal to allow her to bury her daughter may well have contributed to the break up of their marriage ? ...And would you turn the other cheek. Father, Father, Father help us. Send some guidance from above 'Cause people got me, got me questioning. Where is the love. Where is the love (The love) Where is the love (The love) Where is the love ...brandy loves to stay skinny, so i'm shocked her daughter is heavy like that! that little girl looks just like her father. when we love our children we spoil them and try to look past the weight issues. The little girl looks like a ...The excitement of that day will be inside yourself maybe in a double amount than it will be in your daughter, as you want to surprise her with a father daughter wedding song of which she has no idea and in this respect you search inside ...
I was in Thailand last year and I visited a shelter where they help women who are caught in the sex trade. I was so touched by their horror stories that I decided to adopted a child that was born as a result of one of the prostitutes being raped. Last month I was finally able to pick up my daughter, I had to go through 1 year of hell and grief just to be able to adopt. The sad part is most of the hoops I had to jump through were in the USA (my home country) and they were because I am a man. For some reason people seem to think that I am less qualified to be a single parent because I am male. Today I got a phone call from the Adoption Agency worker and she had nerve enough to say "I hope you are changing her diapers properly" she even had nerve to ask me how much my mom helps me out.

I joined up with a group of other single adoptive parents and I noticed I get all kids of weird looks like i'm some kind of pedophile adopting a child just because i'm not a women or gay.

I don't understand it, I love my child, i'm a good parent,. I have a great job that I have taken a whole 4 months off of to be at home with her, why are people like this?

I left out that my grandchildren were taken away from my daughter because while she was at work, the father beat the 3 year old and the 2 year old boys. He is in prison supposedly for 5 years for these crimes. The courts felt that my daughter had ignored his abuse of the kids in the past, I am not sure if this is true or not but the people that she moved away with are horrible people. They travel like gypsys and move to very bad areas in order to afford housing. My daughter made a terrible mistake by moving away and having three children with this man. Everyone is allowed a second chance, especially since finally the light went off in her brain and she is willing to do whatever it takes to get them back. She needs to come home to get her life back in order and hopefully return to the person she was before she met this family of criminals. She does not have a criminal record, I checked. I love these children and need desperate advise. If she does not straighten out and become a responsible loving parent then I will be the first to say terminate her parental rights. This incident happened last December and the courts want her to sign custodial rights to the foster parents. If she does that can she get them back in the very near future. Any advice will be appreciated

Bought with a Price

Slipping quietly out of the door, Kelly Oa��Byrne immediately felt the cool breeze on her face. Though the sun had already risen, a chilly mist still hung in the air, making the atmosphere feel damp and cold. Walking a little ways along the grassy green hills, Kelly listened for any sounds in the early morning, but all was peaceful and still. After a while, she came upon a steep hillside which she then proceeded to climb. Slightly tall for her fourteen years, this was not a difficult task for her. Finally, she reached her destination a�� a small cliff leaning out over the Irish Sea. It had become her favorite spot; she never grew weary of gazing dreamily out to the waters. Sitting down on the soft grass, she smoothed her dress, and brushed her long, black hair back out of her face. Her swirly deep blue eyes very much resembled the Irish Sea that she loved to gaze at. Though she loved dreaming about other distant lands, she was perfectly satisfied to remain in her hometown of Bray, where she had grown up. Who wouldna��t? How could anyone not love its rolling green hills, enormous mountains, and misty valleys? Who could grow tired of its lush green forests or beautiful rivers that stretched across the land? In Kellya��s mind, it was heaven on earth.
Far down below, a dog barked. Glancing down, Kelly saw the people of Bray beginning to wake up and get to work. Still, she remained where she was, watching the waves gently lap against one another, crashing against the shore. Startled, Kelly looked up, and stared out in the distance. Squinting her eyes, she looked harder. Still unable to distinguish just what it was that she was looking at, she tried once again, to look past the mist. Suddenly, she saw it: The serpent-like head protruding from the narrow ship. Vikings!
Fear immediately struck Kellya��s heart. For a few seconds, she stood frozen on the cliff unsure of what to do. Finally what her brain was saying to her legs registered and she began to run. Jumping down the steep cliffs, she slipped cutting her leg on a sharp rock. She ignored the pain - her only thought was to warn the people of Bray. Terrified, she ran on. Swiftly, she jumped over the steep cliffs, and ran down the dangerous slopes. Slipping and falling numerous times, she pushed on. Fear defined her eyes as she continued to sprint down the mountain.
As she ran, Kelly thought about the last Viking raid. She did not remember a�� she was only four. But she heard stories from the older villagers, about how the Vikings had stolen from the people, taken a few captives, and even burned down some of the buildings. They had tried to burn the monastery, causing an excessive amount of damage. Over the years, it was repaired, but still, on one side, you could run your fingers over the wall and feel the burnt wood. The people of Bray were terrified after that, so they worked together to build a safe-house in case it would ever happen again. Everyone dreaded the day when the bells of the monastery would ring signaling danger.
Slipping again, Kelly forced herself to calm down. Finally reaching the bottom of the mountain, she raced across the green hills toward her home. She burst in the doorway to find her mother cooking breakfast over the stove, and her father telling the younger children a story at the kitchen table. She exclaimed, a�?Father, Vikings! I saw the ship coming from the North!a�? The peaceful atmosphere was immediately broken.
Mrs. Oa��Byrne turned pale, and Clara, the youngest of the family, began to cry. The twins, Thomas and Daniel, looked at one another with scared faces. Mr. Oa��Byrne quickly rose from his seat. Without questioning his daughter further he turned to his wife and said, a�?Grab some food! Everybody must get to the safe-house!a�?
Turning to Kelly, he ordered, a�?Quick, run to the monastery! Tell them to ring the bells! Warn anybody that you see along the way, and hurry back to the safe-house a�� wea��ll meet you there.a�?
Quick to do her fathera��s bidding, she began to run to the monastery. Along the way, she shouted to the people, a�?Quick, get to the safe-house! Vikings! Hurry!a�?
The looks of puzzlement turned to alarm when they heard the word a�?Vikingsa�? and they rushed to find their children and run to the safe-house. In a matter of minutes, the whole village was in uproar. Fear was etched in every face, as parents searched for their children, and fathers helped their families into the safe-house on the edge of the village. Continuing to run, Kelly shouted, a�?The bells! Ring the bells!a�? But even as she ran up to the monastery, the great bells had already begun to chime.
Kelly stopped, and turned beginning to run for the safe-house. Suddenly feeling very tired and dizzy, Kelly stopped running. Looking around, she saw no one. Telling herself to push on to get to the safe-house, she began to

I have been married a short time and it seems to me like sex and intimacy are completely non-existant for me and my husband and I dont know how to fix it. The reasons behind it may vary and may not be a I think. Its easy to say just seduce your husband or get over it but its not quite so easily done. The circumstances are........before I was with my husband I was completely innocent, I'd never been sexually involved with anyone. My husband and I were sexually active before we married. He had vast experience and is older than me and for a number of years had been using internet sex, porn, random sex as a release but saw it as nothing more than sex.......I believe for my husband there is not an emotional connection during sex because for so long sex has just been about busting a nut. I dont believe he can differentiate between loving sex and sex for sex's sake. He has mentioned before there's some things you just dont do with your wife which I think is rubbish if there's anyone you should be doing it with it's your wife!!. As a married woman theres so many things I haven't experienced that I wish I had, so many times I wish I could just say *&!% it and take the initiative but I dont. I have never spent a day in bed with my husband or woke up naked with him or been kissed properly for no reason or had any type of romance. By romance I dont mean things or flowers or any of that stuff because things like that dont fuss me terribly but it'd be nice to be complimented or feel loved or get suprised anything doesn't happen. I believe I am to blame as well when we met I hadn't been with anyone and had no experience, that does not mean I am a prude, I am open to just about anything but I think because of my history he just doesn't bring anything up, I was initially shy just because it was a new situation for me and maybe that shyness turned him off me. We also have a small child who requires a lot of attention and care often I'm tired although I always make an effort to spend at least some time with my husband every day, but I dont think he see's me past the diapers and milk and crying :-). Sex and intimacy has been lacking in our relationship for so long now that it almost feels useless bringing it up and I miss it I really do. I dont know how to change things around because to be honest I have no experience of anything like this. I dont know if my husband just isn't attracted to me or is out of love with me. Something I keep thinking is when our relationship began my husband done some dishonest things that we have since worked did hurt me a lot though and shattered my confidence, I believe he feels guilty for treating me like that and as a result stays with me through guilt and obligation because he is a good person and doesn't like to see people wronged, he knows how hurt I was and how much I love him and I believe he just doesn't want to hurt me and now we have our daughter he wants to be there for her and be a father, I just dont feel that any of these reasons are enough to stay in a loveless, sexless marriage. I dont know that things can be changed but I took my vows seriously and I love my husband so I would like to try before it gets too late............where do I start?? any ideas?? I have spoken to him about the intimacy and he always says he loves me and our family but things remain the same. I just want a normal healthy relationship, I love my husband and want to be intimate with some point every day I want to be close to my husband, I want to fall asleep in his arms (preferably after sex!), I want to wake up next to him, I want to kiss him and have a great sex life........but we dont............advice?
sunshine- while I hardly think 2 questions constitutes every other day I do see the point about denial but I did take my vows seriously and it is difficult to make decisions on something so important sometimes different opinions help and I do take all of them onboard.

me and my boyfriend have been together over a year and we live togther with his two kids. his daughter is 9 years old and his son is 5. his son and i have grown VERY close. at first his daughter loved me and i began to do morethings with her that her own mother never really does, everything was great(we neve say ANYTHING bad about her mother because we dont want them to hate her) out of know where she started to tell me that she hates me and that i'm not her mom! i never tried to be her mom and i have told her that. that i am only here for when she needs me. also i am the first girl that she has ever seen with her father but her mother is one of those ladies that cant keep their legs shut and introduces every guy to them :-( but we pretend everything is okay. i do what i can for these kids. why the hostility towards me??

Seriously. I'm asking in all seriousness - I've sene some parents who pull so hard for their child to be one sex, and when it turns out to be the opposite, some seem disappointed... makes me wonder if they would love their child more if they'd gotten what they wanted.

Like a father who wants a son, but gets a daughter, or a mother who wants a daughter, but gets a son...

And what if your child were hermaphroditic? Would you be ashamed? Supportive? Would you not care either way? Which sex would you raise it? Or would to wait a bit and see how it developed as it grew up?

I'm honestly curious about what people have to say about these subjects.

Ok, well I absolutely HATE Miley Cyrus, so my friend and I are doing this little skit making fun of Miley, but its kind of not exactly about her.
It's gonna be called "Mommay...." because that is what Mylie (we spell her name like My-lie on purpose because she her mom (Mommay) had her and did not tell her dad. Mylie doesn't know who her dad is)
Here is a summary-
Mommay is a troubled mother that adopted one child and had a surrogate mother for another. The surrogate daughter is her daughter Destinie and the one she gave birth to was Mylie. Mommay will soon learn that Destinie is an angel, but Mylie is a total handful.
Mylie Cirrus Tippin- (Purposely spelled wrong)- MYLIE'S AUTOBIO-
My name is Mylie. I live with my mommay and my sister, Destinie. I hate Destinie. I hope she dies in a ball of fire. I am four years old, going on four and a half. I have two friends, their names are Nemo and Gang. I called 911 for Mommay putting me in the corner. I called it child abuse and I got taken away to a family called the Tippins. Mrs. Tippin, Mr. Tippin, and Kylie Tippin are my new family. I hate them. I hope they all die.
Destinie- (AUTO BIO) I'm Destinie Chappin, and I love my mommay, but I hate Mylie. Mylie is a total meanie and I hate her. Mylie got me taken away from my Mommay because she called Child Abuse. She was only two, though. She's smart for her age.
Mommay (AUTO BIO)- I keep secrets from my daughters. They think I am in Africa saving the Elephants because Mylie doesn't remember that she called 911 reporting me for Child Abuse when I put her the corner. Destinie does remember, but plays along with me. Neither of my daughters know who their father is (it's a secret). And I won't tell. Destinie also doesn't know that she was conceived by a surrogate mother. However, Mylie is a lie because I did not tell her father I had her. That's why I named her "My Lie" but pronouced My-lee. I love my
daughters, and I get a lot of time with them because the police allows me to. I do not have a job and live off of my mother's money because I am currently going to college.

So, do you think this would get a lot of views on YouTube? Do you like the concept? People at our school love it, but IDK....

Ok, well I absolutely HATE Miley Cyrus, so my friend and I are doing this little skit making fun of Miley, but its kind of not exactly about her.
It's gonna be called "Mommay...." because that is what Mylie (we spell her name like My-lie on purpose because she her mom (Mommay) had her and did not tell her dad. Mylie doesn't know who her dad is)
Here is a summary-
Mommay is a troubled mother that adopted one child and had a surrogate mother for another. The surrogate daughter is her daughter Destinie and the one she gave birth to was Mylie. Mommay will soon learn that Destinie is an angel, but Mylie is a total handful.
Mylie Cirrus Tippin- (Purposely spelled wrong)- MYLIE'S AUTOBIO-
My name is Mylie. I live with my mommay and my sister, Destinie. I hate Destinie. I hope she dies in a ball of fire. I am four years old, going on four and a half. I have two friends, their names are Nemo and Gang. I called 911 for Mommay putting me in the corner. I called it child abuse and I got taken away to a family called the Tippins. Mrs. Tippin, Mr. Tippin, and Kylie Tippin are my new family. I hate them. I hope they all die.
Destinie- (AUTO BIO) I'm Destinie Chappin, and I love my mommay, but I hate Mylie. Mylie is a total meanie and I hate her. Mylie got me taken away from my Mommay because she called Child Abuse. She was only two, though. She's smart for her age.
Mommay (AUTO BIO)- I keep secrets from my daughters. They think I am in Africa saving the Elephants because Mylie doesn't remember that she called 911 reporting me for Child Abuse when I put her the corner. Destinie does remember, but plays along with me. Neither of my daughters know who their father is (it's a secret). And I won't tell. Destinie also doesn't know that she was conceived by a surrogate mother. However, Mylie is a lie because I did not tell her father I had her. That's why I named her "My Lie" but pronouced My-lee. I love my
daughters, and I get a lot of time with them because the police allows me to. I do not have a job and live off of my mother's money because I am currently going to college.

So, do you think this would get a lot of views on YouTube? Do you like the concept? People at our school love it, but IDK....

Ok, well I absolutely HATE Miley Cyrus, so my friend and I are doing this little skit making fun of Miley, but its kind of not exactly about her.
It's gonna be called "Mommay...." because that is what Mylie (we spell her name like My-lie on purpose because she her mom (Mommay) had her and did not tell her dad. Mylie doesn't know who her dad is)
Here is a summary-
Mommay is a troubled mother that adopted one child and had a surrogate mother for another. The surrogate daughter is her daughter Destinie and the one she gave birth to was Mylie. Mommay will soon learn that Destinie is an angel, but Mylie is a total handful.
Mylie Cirrus Tippin- (Purposely spelled wrong)- MYLIE'S AUTOBIO-
My name is Mylie. I live with my mommay and my sister, Destinie. I hate Destinie. I hope she dies in a ball of fire. I am four years old, going on four and a half. I have two friends, their names are Nemo and Gang. I called 911 for Mommay putting me in the corner. I called it child abuse and I got taken away to a family called the Tippins. Mrs. Tippin, Mr. Tippin, and Kylie Tippin are my new family. I hate them. I hope they all die.
Destinie- (AUTO BIO) I'm Destinie Chappin, and I love my mommay, but I hate Mylie. Mylie is a total meanie and I hate her. Mylie got me taken away from my Mommay because she called Child Abuse. She was only two, though. She's smart for her age.
Mommay (AUTO BIO)- I keep secrets from my daughters. They think I am in Africa saving the Elephants because Mylie doesn't remember that she called 911 reporting me for Child Abuse when I put her the corner. Destinie does remember, but plays along with me. Neither of my daughters know who their father is (it's a secret). And I won't tell. Destinie also doesn't know that she was conceived by a surrogate mother. However, Mylie is a lie because I did not tell her father I had her. That's why I named her "My Lie" but pronouced My-lee. I love my
daughters, and I get a lot of time with them because the police allows me to. I do not have a job and live off of my mother's money because I am currently going to college.

So, do you think this would get a lot of views on YouTube? Do you like the concept? People at our school love it, but IDK....

ive been with my husband for 5 4 yrs ago another man kissed me but i got mad and left...thats all that happened..ever since that day my husband has not trusted me. He insulted me on a daily basis. Called me every name in the book just to cause be pain. I cried for the last four years all to often. We have a 2 yr old daughter in which i take care of, he is very good with her so i cant say hes a bad father. He doesnt hit me, or cheat as far as i know of anyway. On the 1st of oct. i had had enough and wrote him a 5 page letter explaining to him my pain and all of my feelings. Ever since then he hasnt insulted me other than the occastional b word. He trys anything to make me happy. He cried when i wanted to leave. I have found that i am very resentful towards him and im having trouble forgiving him. Im putting him through hell. Should i leave and save both of us the sarrow later? or do i need to try and stick around since hes putting forth so much effort? lost at what to do here, its been a month almost and im still so confused. One day i want to stay, and the next day i want to leave. please me with my decision...remember we are married, i have no income (im a stay at home mom), and i have a 2 yr old daughter who has come to love her life with both parents. thanx to anyone who can help!
the kiss...let me explain...i had been friends with this other man for years nothing had ever happen me and husband had been together a year til one day he told me to never talk to my best friend again (the other man). i got mad and left to my best friends house and he kissed me, i told him no wonder my old man doesnt trust you and left. Went home and told my husband all about it. Ive paid for it ever since, even though i didnt do anything wrong in my opinion

Here's my trouble, I have a 7 year old little girl that's my step daughter. She's my husbands from a previous relationship. Anyway, her mother thinks it okay to let a 7 year old decide that she wants to kill something. Now my and my husband DO NOT believe in hunting. We have grocery stores. Anyway this is a child that still get upset about a great grandmother she met twice that has died over three years ago. She's not mentally ready for to decide something that could break her. Not to mention behind our backs her mother let her watch her dress a deer. I don't know if all of you know what that entails, but it's not pretty in the LEAST. Yet she won't let her get her ears pierced. What do we do? We have trouble fighting her all the time on things. It's like she does things just because she knows it will piss us off. My husband is ill and not working so we have no income, and we haven't been able to pay child support, but our lawyer that got her back with us said that doesn't matter, we should have a say in her life. She's his daughter too. As soon as we get our disability she will get her money, but this is to much for a 7 year old girl. She loves animals. The trouble is, the more violence she see's the worse it could be. Her father is bipolar and has multiple personality disorder. Alot of it was because he saw alot of the same when he was smaller. Of Course there was alot more than just that.What do you think we should do about it? We have more problem with her than just that. But there's only so much we can do. Thanks for your answers.

No mean or hateful answers please.
To begin with, I don't have leather shoes or a handbag. Were poor. And you know what, I hate that crap about stores were around forever what do you think they did. That's the freaking point we have them NOW. There's no reason to kill something just because you like the taste or you want to hang it's freaking head on the wall. I don't think kids should hunt. And she's only doing it because everyone else is. She's not doing it because she wants to. She's an easy child to push around. If they make fun of her she will do whatever they want.
Not shoting it in the head or the heart, or being a crappy shot and missing and having to wait for it to die, Or hanging it upside down by the back feet, slitting it's throat, and spitting it open from neck to backend, letting the entrails spill out is not VIOLENT! for a freaking 7 year old..what the hell is wrong with you people....not picking anyone out, just hunters in general. I just don't understand. Was Columbine not enough for you people to stop teaching your kids to kill things?

For those who take this LITERALLY, how could the kind and loving god-like creature you claim to worship demand this? What possible reason could it have? ".... mysterious ways..." is a total cop-out by the way.

For those who claim the Bible should be interpreted as fables and allegories, what good message is being taught by this story? What possible good can you take from this?

"And Jephthah made a vow to the LORD. He said, "If you give me victory over the Ammonites, I will give to the LORD the first thing coming out of my house to greet me when I return in triumph. I will sacrifice it as a burnt offering...................When Jephthah returned home to Mizpah, his daughter a�� his only child a�� ran out to meet him, playing on a tambourine and dancing for joy. When he saw her, he tore his clothes in anguish. "My daughter!" he cried out. "My heart is breaking! What a tragedy that you came out to greet me. For I have made a vow to the LORD and cannot take it back." And she said, "Father, you have made a promise to the LORD. You must do to me what you have promised, for the LORD has given you a great victory over your enemies, the Ammonites. But first let me go up and roam in the hills and weep with my friends for two months, because I will die a virgin." "You may go," Jephthah said. And he let her go away for two months. She and her friends went into the hills and wept because she would never have children. When she returned home, her father kept his vow, and she died a virgin."
HS - point taken. In that case, why does this all-knowing god encourage this sort of behaviour by rewarding those who make promises of sacrifice to it?
@sunshine - "When she returned home, her father kept his vow, and she died a virgin."

How can you interpret that to mean that the girl was NOT killed? His vow was to kill the first thing, and he kept his vow, and she died.

I'm 31 yrs old currently 34 wks pregnant with my 2nd (a girl). I've been going thru SO MUCH stress, drama, emotional pain etc. for the past few months. Her father (age 39) is angry bc I chose to cont. the pregnancy so he's refused to talk to me or help buy any of her things. I guess he plan on communicating when she arrives.

His friend & my sis (2 middle-men) are discreetly seeing each other and the father/ friend are really close. My sister & I used to be close also (at least I thought) but she's been a complete untrustworthy backstabber who cares NOTHING about me. I've decided to remove all relatives & others out of my life permanently. However, since the father won't talk to me I have to get info thru the middle-men. Last week the middle-men talked and refuse to tell me the new info that they know. After asking (her) repeatedly it was said, "You'll find out what it is." How could she do this knowing how much he means to me? I didn't know anything til going online where the confirmation was seen for myself. The posted info was that he was moving out of town and showed only his name but no location. My instincts prior on the location was 100%. After visiting another website that he/ I are on as friends I saw for myself the information of his new residental location. From that moment on I cried uncontrollably in shock more so bc of the distance (Midwest to far East Coast). IDK what's going to happen: she'll be born soon in 6 wks, he's bout to relocate, will he fly back to see her thruout her life?, I don't have all of her things, it's just so hard for me right now.

He traveled to my city all the time (a 2hr drive or so about 100 miles); I won't be able to see or sex him anymore or have him spend nights at my house. I'm lost without answers I'm missing him terribly. I love & care so much about him. As the tears flow while I write this she responds to my cries with gentle kicks letting me know its okay; I rub my stomach smiling down at her. I don't know what to do. I'm all alone with no support system (I just want my 2 kids) bc they're my molding glue. I don't fly bc of fear for heights so I'm NOT flying her out there to see him. If I'm not wrong (from what my instincts says) I believe he's moving in with his good (female) 'friend'. It was only a sexual thing between us for a year & a half after meeting online but with me becoming pregnant his friend said that this has ruined our friendship. In spite of it all, I forgive him as he also is to blame and feel that nothing else is more important than our unborn daughter.

WHAT SHOULD I DO? (can't stop crying or thinking of him) Thanks.

Last year I moved in with my boyfriend, shortly afterward I got pregnant and 3 months into my pregnancy I found out he was cheating on me. It was very heartbreaking because I loved this man and still do. I continued to live with him because I had no place to go. He claimed he was sorry and he wouldn't hurt me again but sh-it never changed, if anything his cheating got worse.

I had my beautiful baby girl last month and things still haven't changed. In fact, hes expressed to me that he doesn't want to be with me anymore and he is talking to several different girls. It hurts so much to be living with him when he has no desire to be with me and have to stand by as he dates these other females.

So Im ready to start a new chapter of my life. I want to move out of state with my mother until I can get back on my feet but he wants to be in our daughters life. He is a great father but he certainly can't expect me to continue to live with him for the entirety of her upbringing if we're not together right?

So should I take my baby and leave?
Im just tired of considering his feelings when he's never stopped to consider mine

True story, I was happy. My girlfriend and I had been dating for over a year, and so we decided to get married. My parents helped us in every way, my friends encouraged me, and my girlfriend? She was a dream! There was only one thing bothering me, very much indeed, and that one thing was her younger sister. My prospective sister-in-law was twenty years of age, wore tight mini skirts and low cut blouses. She would regularly bend down when near me and I got many pleasant views of her underwear. It had to be deliberate. She never did it when she was near anyone else. One day little sister called and asked me to come over to check the wedding invitations. She was alone when I arrived. She whispered to me that soon I was to be married, and she had feelings and desires for me that she couldn't overcome and didn't really want to overcome. She told me that she wanted to make love to me just once before I got married and committed my life to her sister. I was in total shock and couldn't say a word. She said, "I'm going upstairs to my bedroom, and if you want to go ahead with it just come up and get me." I was stunned. I was frozen in shock as I watched her go up the stairs. When she reached the top she pulled down her panties and threw them down the stairs at me. I stood there for a moment, then turned and went straight to the front door.
I opened the door and stepped out of the house. I walked straight towards my car. My future father-in-law was standing outside. With tears in his eyes he hugged me and said, "We are very happy that you have passed our little test. We couldn't ask for a better man for our daughter. Welcome to the family."

The moral of this story is: Always keep your condoms in your car.

Im going to just b honest about everything now me and my husband have been married for 3 years now been together for 5 years i was living back home in the caribbean we are both from there, we got married and he filed for me to come here everything was ok with me and my husband until he brought me here he started treating me different leave me in the house i av to cook and clean up after him and his mother brother cousin and step father we were living at his mom, i did not like it so i started to tell him anyway he started to tell me that i'm miserable and i must just do it i got myself a little job and i was trying to convince him to let us move and get our own apartment as soon as his mom find out she start cursing me out telling him know what he is getting himself into want to move on his own its hard out there come on i'm 29 he is 34 years old we are married. anyway he started to come home from work late in the evening he would tel me that he is going to his car insurance or other places i did not take it for anything because i wasn't living here for long so i did not know his schedule anyway our relationship was not going so good one saturday morning i was using his phone to text my mom back home to telling her to call me back. i did not have a phone for myself next thing i know is i saw messages that he was sending and receiving from a female saying stuff like baby meet me on 125 street before he reach on 125st, baby i can imagine u up on that table last week, what u want me to do to you the next time i see u baby and she was like i want you to sex me in my mouth my ass the same things that u did the last time i did enjoy it baby. i was so traumatize we were just argueing day and night and his mom was happy laughing saying stuff like im overexagerating so i fell like i was going crazy i left and went to stay with my mom friend i was there for two months her son was living there he was single and he started telling me that he love he started treating me different so we started having sex when his mom wasnt there because we did not want her to know cause i respect her cause she was my mom friend. anyway after the two months my husband was begging me please come back he miss me he love me he cant do without me so i fell for it went back cause i really really love him too then i found out that i am pregnant like three weeks after, i had no clue that it was not for my husband because the other guy never discharge inside me when i was like 7months pregnant i found out that my husband was cheating with another girl i confronted him about it. he told me that he cant go on like this anymore because i couldnt have sex i would feel a lot of pain, he started coming home when he feel like, when he does he would not talk to me i got real sick high blood presure and was admitted in the hospital for two weeks he did not even know that i was addmited he did not call or anything i called his cousin cause we were close she told him he told me i should call him he did not come to look for me neither his mom so i told my doctors that i cant go back in the stress so they put me in a prenatal shelter he did not know where i was almost two months later when i was ready to deliver because he knew my due date he called me begging me to b there for the birth at first i say no then i decided to have him be there after i have the baby he beg me to come home saying he did not want his family to be in any shelter so i went back home again thinking that everything would be ok we went through counceling he told me infront of the councilor that he ended the relationship with the woman.. then she she started calling our house phone treathening me so i told him he av to let her stop calling she wouldn't stop calling so we would argue one night he was cursing me out telling me to go back to my shelter so i took up my baby and i was walking away and he started punching me in my head beating me up so i call the cops and ther arrested him now we r not to gether anymore i my daughter is 3months now she started looking like the other guy so we did a dna and she turned out to b happy he is happy .. but my husband still dont know she's not his child now i am wondering if i should just drop the case and move i wanna do that but i dont know how to tell him.. i kno he is not gonna get back with me because i got him arrested.. he cant c her or me because there is an order of protection whats ur best advise please it's really stressing me..?????????????????????????????

well, the thing is, i saw this movie years ago and i really want to see it again, but i can't remember the title. all help is appreciated!

i remember that it was about people with magic powers, for example, there was the king who could create this blackish ball with his hands, and that when he threw it at someone and it hit them, they died. there's also two guys, i think there names were sun and cloud, and they both loved the kings daughter. however, the king wanted his daughter to marry sun, but she loved cloud. then, cloud interrupts the princess' and suns wedding, and sun and cloud start fighting in the air because they can fly and they have magic powers too. as the princess and king are watching the fight, she notices that her father is creating the deathly black ball, and knows he is going to throw it at cloud. she flies up into the air just as her father throws the ball, and she gets hit by it. she later dies, and cloud and sun later kill the king.

p.s. i think that the characters in this movie were asian.

I'm writing a book for a class - I don't think I'mgetting published, I know I'm young and I know I'm not good enough to be published, which is why I'm going to school for writing. Duh! I always have trouble naming characters but this time, it's really important. I need a name for the main character, her 'partner', and their three kids. Here we go:

MAIN CHARACTER: Very erratic. Has good intentions, but due to a bad childhood (father committed suicide when she was three, mother a famous model, always traveling) has flighty emotions. Almost bipolar. Intelligent, brilliant, beautiful - pale pale skin, freckles, dark dark hair, beautiful eyes. Very kind and friendly, but has a dark side and can turn at any point. Always ALWAYS acts on her whims without thinking of any repercussions. Has 'spells' of intense anger, obliviousness and extreme highs and lows. But can win over anyone...

MAIN CHARACTER'S PARTNER: **neither are 'gay', do not focus on that, please just focus on naming them. but yes, they are 'in love' and they do 'live together' and 'sleep together** Very reserved, cute and demure. A little girl at heart, very bubbly and friendly and always is. A huge dreamer. Very petite with light skin, green eyes and soft brown curls to her lower back. A dancer. Always wanted to have kids, loveees kids, especially little girls. Will do anything for the Main Character, absolutely smitten for the main character. Very impressionable - she wants to win over MC so badly that she is influenced into all of her erratic behaviors. MC's personality takes a toll on her but she doesn't mind. SHe deals with it.

THREE DAUGHTERS: The daughters I want to have very unique and beautiful names - possibly Irish, because they are all born in rural Ireland and are home-schooled. They all have dark curls and light light skin. The daughters aren't in the book THAT much, but their names need to be almost like Hollywood kids - ish, like a little crazy but pretty - maybe two middle names.

Sorry, this is so long! But if you could help that would be AWESOME

The Love Dance

I am in the centre of a thousand clover gazes, the flourishing vein-
On a dark, star fish pressed leaf. An ivy infant in a world of moss.
I slam my heels beneath the lantern kindled roof, shuttered from the rain,
And pass my elbow to a coal stained hand, we dance in the symmetry of a ribboned cross.

Amongst so many merry hearts, we sail down the wooden path,
Fringed with curls of laughter and pairs of withered hands that birth this love song.
Clapping together beside the trill weaving of the whistle's nectar laugh,
Side stepping down the clamour of captivated lovers, twisting through the throng.

I have fallen into the lover's spectrum of emerald waters, the lily spray on opal hearts,
Cleansing us both in a fall of moon dappled lace, frayed with the spark of rose thread.
The sun pours honey down onto our sweet, young souls. Blessing us in the sky's roaring arts,
For the sky is the sea and the sea is the sky! Dance with me! Dance until dead!

With music to embrace our shamrock hearts, we will delve into the waters-
The crystal marine sheets of thickened brine, o'er parchment fingers, locked in white spray.
I am the swiftly sailing maiden, the young heart of seven sun caressed daughters,
In this jubilation of brilliance I shall honour my father, who blessed me on this day!

Joyous, joyous are we beneath the bruise of thunder on a rolling sky,
Beneath a dew paled, amber cut sunrise that grapples for us in her locket of awe.
From the wondrous flames of autumn canopy, to the rippling waters of July,
I fell swiftly into this dance of love, bounding over the oak cut floor.

I can't decide which one to use, I'm torn!

* I Loved Her First by Heartland
*Daddy's Angel by T Carter
* Butterfly Kisses by Bob Carlisle

Any suggestions?

We have been married for 18 years, but last year I discovered that he was cheating with my "friend." He lied about it until recently, and apparently told her that we were no longer sleeping together, because when I became pregnant, he loudly protested that I must have been cheating! Me- Working full-time and going to school full time, and spending what little time remained trying to fix our broken marriage and taking care of our kids (all while he was drinking and carousing). I did not cheat and the baby is his.
The other day I invited him over to discuss the parenting plan that we need to agree on in order to make the divorce go faster- otherwise it won't be final until the middle of next year. We also discussed reconciliation, because I think we should wait until the kids are older, and because I do still love him in spite of my anger. I hoped that we could work on things, but he said he has already made commitments to someone else and doesn't want to break her heart. He also said that he still loves me, and doesn't want to break my heart either, and that I am better in bed than she is, and he needs to think about it. Then we slept together for the first time in 3 months, and it was incredible as usual.
The next day, he went right back to "I have to think about her feelings." How could her feelings possibly be more valuable than mine and his childrens'? What is the matter with that moron? He thinks I should share custody of the daughter he denied with him and that slut! Is he nuts? Our older children shouldn't be exposed to this mess either, right? He even asked for paternity testing, and when it comes back that he is the father, she is going to realize that he lied, so what is his plan for that?
For the record- I didn't sleep with him to give him what he wanted! I slept with him because I have needs and he is very good in bed.
I filed for the divorce three months ago- I never denied him sex during our marriage, and actually have a higfher sex drive than he does. He did not cheat because he was not getting enough at home. I am a twice-a-day kind of person.

so here is the plot . . .

it is set in an magical world, where it is full of magical creatures and beings, also mainly witches and wizards. So there is an group in charge of running and protecting this magical world, but a war breaks out, between good and evil. The leader goes to fight in the war with his own people against the evil, but he dies, and leaves his only daughter behind. So the group takes her in and cares for her, while the second in command takes over, they are losing badly and the evil is winning - there is an very powerful evil being. Then the girl receives her father's will which includes an object (don't know what yet, but that can travel back in time) and an envelope. So in the letter, her father tells her to go back in time to stop the leader - the evil being from turning good to evil. So the girl goes back in time, to stop the evil being, who is not evil then just a young handsome wizard, but he has a curse, the curse is, that if he ever shows emotion he will die. The girl knows about this, and tries to get him to fall in love with her. But he is nasty, cold and silent. At first they argue against each other. but the girl tries to get him to fall in love with her, and he does slowly, but his curse is taking effect over him - being in pain. Though over the time, the girl sees that he isn't the evil leader, he is an normal good wizard and he is kind and nice. So she falls in love with him too, but he is dying because of his curse. Then he dies, but the girl is distraught so she goes back in time to stop him from dying, and she does so, but then one of his future leaders is there and tells the truth about her, that she went in the past to kill him. He leaves her, upset that she has lied to him, but he knows that he loves her and can't stop thinking about her. So when she is about to leave in her time, he comes and asks her if she loves him, she says yes and stays there in the past as she has nothing to go back too. So the future is changed, so that there is no war, and he and she lives together in the past.

Please tell me what you think. Thanks.

p.s. any names for the evil leader will help. thanks

,..Wouldn't this mean, logically, that a father would not be as willing to go through the same measures to get his son back as Bryan Mills from the movie TAKEN went through to get his daughter back?

If you're a father and your daughter was kidnapped like in that movie under all the same circumstances, if you were willing to go through all the hell and mayhem to get your daughter back as Bryan Mills did in that movie, would you be just as ready and willing without question or hesitation to go through all that exact same stuff to save your son?

Would Bryan Mills have been just as willing to go through all that had that been his son?

If both your son AND daughter were kidnapped, since fathers treat their daughters better than their sons, wouldn't this mean you would rather save your daughter if you could only have enough time to save one of them?

Since fathers act like they love their daughters more than their sons since they act more loving toward them, isn't it only logical that mothers act like they love their sons more than their daughters to balance things out?

If a father would rather save his daughter than his son if anything, then isn't it only logical that a mother would rather save her son than her daughter to balance it all out?

If a father's loving bond is stronger with his daughter than his son, then isn't it only logical that a mother's loving bond is stronger with her son than with her daughter to balance it out?
BTW, I want to add that I hate that as#hole Bryan Mills from that movie. It it was real, I would do everything in my power to beat the hell out of him and bring his as# to justice after killing a defenseless man when he electrocuted him to death. I would turn that juice off instantly and knock Bryan Mills' as# out if I was there. If I was in Bryan Mills' position, the most I would do to that man tied to the chair would be conk him over the head with a bottle or something.
"B J",

At least with the bottle over the head, he's be more likely to live than getting electrocuted to death. I probably wouldn't even conk him out like that, I might just punch him, but that as#hole Bryan Mills KILLED him, I would not have done that!

Ia��ve lived in the UK all my life after arriving at the age of 4 from Chile with my parents after my dad was given political exile in the UK through the United Nations.

With no choice but to flee Chile after our lives where in danger for opposing brutal repression of the working classes and military dictatorship, we left our families, homes, businesses and professions behind to take refuge in a country that seemed to offer hope. The Greenham common girls and the Liverpudlian workers solidarity groups rallied to help us with open arms. We did not have any intentions of staying in the UK permanently, bringing only a couple of suitcases, always hoping for the time that it would be safe to return.

We never could return, my fathera��s passport was confiscated by the authorities for fifteen years. In that fifteen years I grew into woman, never knowing my family in Chile, never celebrating Christmas with my grandparents, always feeling different, always feeling like I didna��t really belong.

All in all we tried to fit in, I went to school here, I made friends, I went to raves. I pissed my parents off. Whilst my parents worked and got exploited their skills were never recognised and their foreign qualifications never good enough. Our house was sieged in a bloody racist attack and I never had the privilege of knowing my grandparents as they passed had away.

We were political refugees not economic migrants and we lost everything by coming here. As we have been unable to return to Chile others have now claimed our homes, our properties and our land in our absence.

I am now a qualified Teacher, I have also done PhD studies in this country yet I have never been offered a real job where I could reach my full potential as a human being on this planet. I am self employed and not entitled to any benefits and I have to support myself and my 6 year old daughter. I would love to help otherS in my situation and also educate people that seem to think that immigrants are all scroungers.

Nearly 35 years have passed since we left Chile. Our country has changed and we do not have the same ties as we first did. It is too difficult to return now and my father is still classed as an enemy of the state. I have never lost hope that one day we would return or that we would be accepted here in the UK but I am disappointed by the lack of awareness and understanding in UK society and also by the serious economic and social problems in Britain today. It seems like Ia��ve been caught in a vicious circle as Britain our former refuge is like a foreign country to me now. I still hope that one day we will be back home safe but that place called home is now a distant dream that perhaps I will never know.
Sorry not really a question but a response to some earlier posts on this site concerning immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers.

Last year I moved in with my boyfriend, shortly afterward I got pregnant and 3 months into my pregnancy I found out he was cheating on me. It was very heartbreaking because I loved this man and still do. I continued to live with him because I had no place to go. He claimed he was sorry and he wouldn't hurt me again but sh-it never changed, if anything his cheating got worse.

I had my beautiful baby girl last month and things still haven't changed. In fact, hes expressed to me that he doesn't want to be with me anymore and he is talking to several different girls. It hurts so much to be living with him when he has no desire to be with me and have to stand by as he dates these other females.

So Im ready to start a new chapter of my life. I want to move out of state with my mother until I can get back on my feet but he wants to be in our daughters life. He is a great father but he certainly can't expect me to continue to live with him for the entirety of her upbringing if we're not together right?

So should I take my baby and leave?
Im just tired of considering his feelings when he's never stopped to consider mine

I'm due to give birth in just over 5 weeks time and I have a problem. My MIL!

She wants to take over! She keeps telling me she is going to be right outside the door while I'm in labor, and I've seen her with her friends 4 month old. Every time she visits she takes over. She has to change the baby, feed the baby, bath the baby etc.

She's had 6 kids already, why does she have to try and take mine???!

My Mum and Dad understand that our little girl is mine and my partners responsibility. They will take a step back and let us raise her how we want to, and help if we ask for it. But his Mother doesn't get it!

She just won't back off, she keeps telling me she will be round at my home everyday from 9.30 until 2.30 while her youngest are at school!
I can't stand being with her for 2 hours never mind everyday for 5!

My other half doesn't see anything wrong with his mum being there 24/7 though! If she was a good mum, maybe I wouldn't mind, but shes awful! :(

He was raised by his dad, as were two of his other siblings (16 y/o & 13 y/o) and they have good Hygiene and are polite and well mannered. His youngest two siblings (6&7) were raised by just his mum, they both have different fathers, neither one is allowed to see their dad, she tells them that they are dead. Their Hygiene is very very poor, and they have no respect for anything. They youngest kicked the pet rabbits teeth in and his mother did nothing!

Their house is littered with mouldy food & soiled nappies (6 y/o is still not potty trained fully), Their cat has fleas and they aren't bothering to treat it so my partner comes home covered in bites when he goes to visit. I've put my foot down and told my partner neither me or the baby will be visiting his mothers house. Problem is, she wants to visit me everyday and take over :(

I keep telling her, but she doesn't listen, what am I going to do???
My partner doesn't really want to get involved with all this, but I think I may have to get him to have a word with his Mum and tell him that I want to raise our daughter the way we want, without her interfering.

Argh! I'm dreading my little girl being here just because of my MIL! Why does the love of my life and father of my child have to have such a unclean and bossy family :(

(I have OCD which makes things even worse, I even hoovered my partners coat to make sure it didn't have fleas on last week :/)

Last year I moved in with my boyfriend, shortly afterward I got pregnant and 3 months into my pregnancy I found out he was cheating on me. It was very heartbreaking because I loved this man and still do. I continued to live with him because I had no place to go. He claimed he was sorry and he wouldn't hurt me again but sh-it never changed, if anything his cheating got worse.

I had my beautiful baby girl last month and things still haven't changed. In fact, hes expressed to me that he doesn't want to be with me anymore and he is talking to several different girls. It hurts so much to be living with him when he has no desire to be with me and have to stand by as he dates these other females.

So Im ready to start a new chapter of my life. I want to move out of state with my mother until I can get back on my feet but he wants to be in our daughters life. He is a great father but he certainly can't expect me to continue to live with him for the entirety of her upbringing if we're not together right?

So should I take my baby and leave?

Me and my daughter's father were together for seven yrs.I had been with him all my adult life and was devastated when two months ago he choose to leave the relationship.Things have not been right for a long time and I have dealt with cheating and disrespect but I still was hoping that we could make things work because I truly do love him even though he doesn't deserve that love. My problem is that after two months I do not feel any better.I still think about him every single day and I still feel so depressed and miserable.I barely go out and my only friend is tired of hearing me talk about him. When he comes to pick up his daughter he usually wants to just grab her and go but i sometimes try to prolong the visit and try to make conversation but it seems forced on his part and sometimes I will call him and tell him that our daughter wants to talk to him when really its just so i could hear his voice and see what is up. It's to the point where I am truly wondering if I need some kind of psychologist because I feel like I am truly obsessed.I think he is seeing someone else lately and I want so badly for that not to be true.I'm not sure what I will do if i found out he moved on to someone else or if he ends up marrying and making a family with someone else it just hurts so bad to even think about. I am a single mother and I am also a stay at home mom so i feel like maybe that has a lot to do with the situation maybe I have to much alone time to think about him.I have tried going out with my friend and 9 times out of 10 I am still thinking about him even when i am supposed to be having fun.Any advice from anyone who has been through something similar it would be very helpful.
Thank you in advance!

Me and my babies father broke up before I found out I was pregnant. When I did find out I was expecting he was all ready back with his ex. Now they are living together and he has to sneak to talk to me. I still love him and he says he still loves me. We text all the time sometimes sneak just to hang out so he can see my belly and stuff. He says hes with his ex because she is paying his rent and he wants to be sure that my baby is his. I know for sure he is her father! I didn't sleep with anyone since WAY before I got with him! Im just confused and I don't know what to do anymore. I want him in my daughters life but I cant take it that hes doubting her. Any advice please?
What are you talking about the last time someone gave me advice I didnt listen?
No matter what I want her to know her dad. Even if me and him are not together. But im not gonna let his stupid little girlfriend be any where near my daughter! Shes the one that put the, 'Its not your baby' idea into his head. UGH! Im just so frustrated! I love him with all my heart! Before I got pregnant with our daughter I mis-carried and thats when we started argueing alot. (Cause of our break-up)) Then about a month later I found out I was expecting.

My daughter who is a teenager now has never cried in her life (barely cried as a baby also) and kind of seems to lack sad emotions and feelings of guilt altogether sometimes. She hardly ever expresses sadness, guilt, or upset over anything, even things that are in fact very sad, or when she would do something naughty/bad she would often try to justify it, not feel guilty about it at all. Is this normal for some girls? I was sort of like this myself being raised in a strict German family in Germany and she was raised close to my parents too, but I've always been very loving with her and she is very close to me and we have a very strong bond. Recently my father died, when I told her the news she just looked at me silently and then said with no emotion: Oh I see...that's too bad. Should I talk to her more about this or not?

I have asked this question before and because of lack of information got mixed responses so decided to put forth all the details and see if that is reflected in the answers.
My question is does my husband love me and want to be a part of our marriage or should I go and allow him to find happiness with someone else?
The the start of the year my husband and I discovered we were expecting our first child, it was not planned. My husband made it clear he did not want to bea father and laid the blame squarely at my feet. As a result of the stresses involved with his views and the pregnancy itself our relationship suffered. For the duration of the pregnancy I felt completely alone, I felt more vulnerable than ever and more emotional and recieved little to no support until towards the end of the pregnancy. Fidelity has been a problem in our relationship (not on my end) and infidelity by way of internet continued until I was almost 5 months pregnant. I believe both things resulted in the physical and emotional side of our relationship suffering, sex is non existant as is intimacy on any level and I miss it I really do. I have brought this up with my husband by way of a letter I thought it was better than not at all and because of the past betrayals I just cant discuss this face to face, I get upset and bad memories come back and after what has happened previously I have little to no self esteem left I really cant face it being knocked any further. My husband is a good man, he is an amazing father now that our daughter is here, he works hard and cares for his family and me in every sense other than the ones I need most.I know I have to take responsibility for the situation as well as I dont instigate intimacy with my husband either............sometimes I'll try and he makes a joke of it and as a result me but he doesn't mean it. I love my husband and our family and I truly want to work things out and when I approach the subject with my husband he says he does to and says he loves me. The thing is I know he cares and is a kind person and I think he just says this to avoid hurting me even though he is unhappy and regardless of everything I do want him to be happy if not wih me then with someone else...............I think maybe he's only with me because of obligation and thats not what I want either. Right now I long for intimacy of any kind so he must to and its only a matter of time before that longing results in someone straying from the relationship and it wont be me. I have had answers about just seducing him.....its reached the stage that thats not an confidence is so shattered as much as I want to I just cant seem to do it and I get zero encouragement so its hard to be romantic when the person is more interested in anything else. We get on, we laugh, we have fun, we have a beautiful daughter, I am supportive and always there if he needs me, I love him and I would miss him more than anything but I have to raise our daughter in a happy home so she doesn't grow up with warped ideas of happiness and marriage and I think him and I deserve happiness I deluding myself to belief we can work through this, is something obvious to other people that isn't obvious to me or that I am denying?? please be honest
he does care about his child.....he is an amazing father it just took him some adjusting to get used to the idea
protection was in place to prevent pregnancy, I had a coil fitted, it failed. I do not agree with abortion and wanted to keep our child. Thats the decision I made with him so now I am dealing with all that entails
In answer to one response, I was on birth control, I had a thriving career and I was aware my relationship wasn't perfect, pregnancy is the last thing I wanted but accidents happen and responsibilities have to be taken...I'm just doing the best I can
he didn't want children until he was in a committed relationship, then he got older without one and I guess figured he was too old.....he's 41. Internet infidelity consisted of emails, phonecalls, picture exchange and arranging visits which thankfully fell through but he did travel with the view to it being physical....I believe the woman wasn't there
he loves our daghter more than anything now, i know he does and dont think he resents her being here now

This is a short story for language arts. I am only 13 so it may need quite a bit of criticism.

What will happen to me after I die? Will anyone remember me for the good and the evil I have done in my life? What is on the other side of death? Darkness perhaps? Or a whole new world full of wonder, those lost friends and dearly missed loved ones reunited with me? These are questions I ask myself as I realize that my life is coming to a close. Although the biggest question of all is...will someone be there to hold my hand as my very heartbeat comes to a stop?

Trapped. I am trapped like a bird in a cage in this nursing home. People come to visit me. sometimes I recognize them, sometimes I do not. Perhaps this is because of my disease, Alzheimer's. They have told me it is incurable. Perhaps it will make me die faster. Death would be welcomed by me with open arms at this point. This is a terrible place to end my last moments but no one comes to take me away. Maybe that blond woman was my daughter? Maybe she would take me? The most horrible part of my disease is that sometimes I do not even remember who I am. I do now though. Henrietta Tyme is my name. My past is a blur, unfortunately, but glimpses of it come to my mind at times.

The first thing that I usually remember from my past is a man. A man with brown hair and kind blue eyes. Every time I remember him, I feel a pull at my heart. He...seems to be my...father? Perhaps. Next, I remember a hospital bed. With...a woman on it. She looks quite ill and has blonde hair and soft Born eyes like a doe's. In my memory, her eyes are open wide and a stricken look seems to be permanently etched onto her face. Despite this, she looks rather beautiful. My...mother maybe? The third memory shows a younger me, about 25 years old, holding a small child with short black curls framing her heart-shaped face. Possibly my daughter. The last memory, the clearest one of all, is that of an old man. He is not moving and his messy gray hair is flecked with black splatters. Thick red blood is flowing smoothly from him chest like a scarlet fountain. There are men shouting around him, carrying guns. He appears to be...dead. every time, as I am remembering this, my eyes fill to the brim with unwanted tears. He is my husband. Of that I am sure. It is the only memory that I am sure of. I rest my chin upon my hand and let out a long, exhausted sigh. Suddenly, I feel dizzy! Darkness clouds my vision.

My eyes slowly open. Beneath me is a hospital bed. That is the first thing I notice. Death is beckoning to me. I can feel it. Many people appear to be in my room. Only one stands out. An old man with gray hair flecked with black splatters. Just as in my memory. He is standing at the end of my bed and no one else appears to see him. His chest has a deep hole in it, as if a knife has carved a hole in it. I slowly get up, but notice that my body does not. I seem to be a...spirit. Death must have taken me by surprise when I was not looking. My hand touches my husbands, a light flashes, and everything disappears.

Thank you soooo much!!!! I really appreciate it!

During my engagement dinner with my now-hubby and both our parents, my in-laws told my parents that they would pay for half the wedding even though my parents had said they would pay for the whole thing. His parents were separated and trying to work things out. Four months into the wedding prep, the FIL was still begging for my MIL's return and also found love online (yes, at the same time). He filed for divorce two months later and proposed several weeks after that. The official engagement (he bought the ring) was what would have been his 30th wedding anniversary to his ex-wife. I don't get along with the step-mom - think she is a gold digger. All she talked about was alimony from a previous marriage and how much money FIL spends on her (has spent over 10k in jewelry). She put out on their first date. She never mentioned what a great and funny guy he was. She insisted he buy a 450k house for just the two of them, which is three times the size of their previous home with three boys.

They insisted on getting married two months before my wedding day. They asked if it was OK, I said I wish they would wait until after I got married and they said "that's too bad, we've already made plans". The reason I asked them to wait was because his dad was talking about how he couldn't wait to flaunt his new wife in front of his ex and her family. I thought it very distasteful.

The week before their wedding, I get an ultimatum from FIL who says that me and hubby should expect nothing for our wedding if I don't attend. I don't attend weddings for couples I do not support. My hubby attended without me; FIL didn't even give us a penny or a card for the wedding. "Congrats" would have been nice to hear on the wedding day instead of him yelling at my mom for holding up dinner for 2 hours while his ex-wife checks their son into a hotel so he can smoke pot (see other question about dealing with her and him). He said "people are hungry, people want to leave" and yelled at her with finger in her face (he's 6'4" and my mom is 5'4") even though hot and cold appetizers were being served (plenty of food).

We didn't invite his new wife to our wedding. FIL's invitation only had his name on it as MIL's invitation. FIL had made threatening remarks against MIL's boyfriend with whom she had an affair with. He also had cancer and FIL and uncle were threatening to beat him up. My hubby decided not to invite MIL's bfriend so I decided not to invite FIL's new wife. Only fair, right? Why reward the bullish behavior? FIL's family starts calling us two weeks before wedding saying they aren't going to come unless new wife gets invited. My hubby tells them not to come if it means that much to them. They end up coming and FIL brings his new wife against our wishes. We went heavily in debt because my parents assumed his family was paying for the other half of the wedding. Hubby's family made up 75% of guests since he has huge family. FIL and step-mom in law pissed that we did not invite step-mom's children and parents. We didn't have the money to do this.

We tried moving on after the wedding, but things got worse. We share season tix that we paid for than half for. He kept the 2 good seats on the sideline and gave us the 2 end zone seats. I asked for the $250 difference in the tix and he said we were not entitled to them because "the tix were in his possession so they are his" even though we had paid for more than half.

He called at Christmas time to tell my hubby that he is invited, but I am not. We were basically exiled from my hubby's family, not being invited to family functions. They talked about what a horrible bitch I was.

There are a lot more examples I can provide but to move on....

On our one year anniversary, we tried reaching out to FIL to reconcile. I asked hubby to send letter to his dad explaining how hurt he felt. He came over to our house and said how it wasn't his fault, how is sister and mom said so. He didn't call again until Christmas.

We've been estranged from him since 2003. In 2007, we welcomed our first daughter. I have told my hubby that he can take her over to see FIL but he has only done so once. Hubby is still bitter over everything that has happened, and no apology from his dad. I will never speak with or interact with FIL again, but have encouraged hubby to have a relationship. He doesn't seem to want one.

My dilemma is, am I obligated to force a relationship between a man I hate and can't trust and my daughter who means everything to me? His mom and brother thinks I'm a bitch for preventing a relationship. I wish they would just mind their own business for a change and understand that my hubby makes the decisions for his family.

Thoughts? Thanks everyone for a response.

Well, I have lived through a very painful and dark marriage. The guy I married (thankfully left him now) was and is a mama's boy. But when I met him, he talked so much about he doesn't believe in the society, his mother is a controlling person - he has rebelled against her and even left home when he was 14. But post marriage this all changed. His mother targetted me constantly and he started hating me and crticised me at every possible opportunity. And it was done in a very subtle manner - like snubbing, putting down, cold shouldering.. even though I tried a lot initially, I could not please his mother. He has seen me entirely thru her eyes (and that lady - I think I have not met a more self centered selfish and cruel heartless person in my entire life).

Nw the thing is I had a very difficult early life as I'm an Asian and was always an unwanted girl child and I studied and worked against great opposition. Till date I have not found much support in the society. I have a daughter too for whose sake I tried to live with this horrible person.

While I married this guy coz I fell for him, because he sounded so matured, above it all, so independent etc which is rare in our society. But in reality he was pretending (he does that often as I do now know - has this great need to prove to the world that he is at a level higher than the rest). He is 6 feet tall and weighs just 120lbs - is scrawny, looks quite old with no hair, has no sense of style... while you are in love with a person, you accept them warts and all but I kind of got stuck in a marriage like this - and he only let himself slide down more and more. Onllokers have often asked me what was my compulsion to marry a guy like that (he has often been mistaken as my father or uncle). But the thing is his mother has told him he is too good for me and he believes her. He lacks any sense of reality check on exactly what he is and has never realised that he needs to put in something extra emotionally at least to make up for what he really is.

I felt abused and exploited by a marriage where I received unlimited poison (dont know how I'll get it out of me) plus no satisfaction sexually, emotionally or socially. Yet the guy only sees himself and me thru his mother's eyes and sees himself as the greatest human being (a mother may think that way about her son, he still has to be realistic about how others see him). I have always been liked by most guys as they see me as an honest genuine person.

But what a horrible life I have lived. I dk what I did to deserve this fate. I feel like the unluckiest woman on earth that I got a husband and in laws like that. I am only grateful that it is over (but the poison continues, in a sense it isn't over). How to tell who is and isn't a such a blind mama's boy?
Sorry about the long post -in distress and have no one to talk to...

my boyfriend proposed in may with a ring and all that and i said yes. he called my dad after and there was some misunderstanding that my bf was asking permission, not asking a blessing. my dad can be a little scary, his is the father of 3 teenage girls and no sons, and he told my bf that 'yes he can propose to me, just not right now please'. so that was our fault that we were in a pickle and our first engaged moment was totally ruined.
my mom went ballistic and crazy mad for wanting to get married young for the rest of the day (i was away for college in another state, hes in the military in the same state) and my dad was just...shocked, i guess. after that day, my parents did not bring up anything related to marriage/ engagement/ proposal/ that type of thing.
now, im finishing my BS here at home and the boyfriends on patrol for the whole holiday season and after (i see him in march :( ).
now, my parents (mostly the mother) are all anti-young-marriage yet THEY got married at the same age i am. Actually, they ran off and eloped, then came home and got engaged and then had a ceremony...and 25 years later, they are still married. my mom made me feel like i was trash and some "housewife" becasue i want to marry the man that makes me happy and makes me smile. but, when i see him in march, i want to come home with that over-the-top sparkler he bought. i want to be engaged to him and i want to plan a wedding. i will marry him, and we will do it in vegas if thats what it comes too, but i want our families behind us. we'll both be 21 in a few months, older than my parents were when they got married/eloped. i obviously wouldnt get married the next day if i get engaged.

how do i bring this up with them without my mom going crazy and kicking me out of the house?

im almost done with my BS, only 2 more semesters to go and they were the ones that wanted me to come home and live with them to finish since its so expensive.
i want to live here for another year, i want my parents to be supportive, and mostly i want to be engaged to my boyfriend. i have other issues with my mom but they should want there daughter to be happy right. they love my bf like their own son and he loves them too. i dont want my family to be tense and fustrated becasue im finally doing what i want.

OKkk I hve been with this girl from last 8 months.. there were a lot of on and off in our relationship coz of love.. We both had a fantastic understanding and shared a very stong realtionship.. I supported her all the time...Now we both are not studying in same school coz I have passed out and she's in 11th grade..
2 months ago things get little troubled.. We both had a mess and she break up with me.. Jst to make our realtionship work I put everything(blame) on me.. Although I was not totally wrong.. Her parents got to know about our realtionship( and in india its not normal for a girl to have a boyfriend from parents point of view)..
But still I triied ma best to keep our relationship working.. I even had a word with her parents and assures them dat we (me and my girlfriend) are unknown to each other ( so dat she do not loose her parents trust)..
Okkk nw after a month of pleading and everything she agrees to settle things with me.. Only becoz I warned her(in a very polite manner dat I will tell her parent about our relationship only becoz her dad was shouting at me and he even told ma father dat ur boy is disturbing our daughter coz he thinks I am chasing her and wanted to build a realtionship with her, and its spoiling ma image in ma parents eye.. ).. she ws afraid of d fact dat her parents got to knw abt her daughter havin bf so she agrees..
But she told me not to call coz she dnt have a personal cell and have a landline no..
and told me to wait for her phone.. Okk I agree with her...

After a week I opened ma orkut profile and ws checking ma skul profile.. ANd heck Wat the hell I saw... There was a poll about whose (ma grlfrined name) boyfriend..??? and dammed there were names of the other guys.. Ma name was there too.. But this new guy is getting d most votes.. I m getting 2nd higest.. (okkk Nw 95% chances are dat she has created this poll herself. coz no one is concerned about her.. Who d hell is she.. Hardly many people know's her... Bt ya I was the most popular guy of ma skul.. N ya I m nt jst faking it.. Everybody from grade 1st to 12th knows me and wanted to be ma frnd.. hehehehe )
I was nt allowed to call her or meet her so I finally left a offline to her on yahoo about this issue.. And a offline to her best frnd too regarding this issue and ask her too contact me.. Okkk she show'ed no signs nt even replied to ma offlines.... Den I finally cut off from her.. Its almost 10 days dat I have not send her any offline or any msg.. At once I think dat I Should cut off from her bt den I thinks dat I should try to contact her atleast after a month of no contact and make one last effort to make things work..( after almost 20 days more).. Coz there might be d chances dat she is trying to make me jealous so dat I try to get her once again and she also able to maintain her pride.... COz whteva I kno abt her she's good girl( okkk nt dat gud bt ya she's a sensible and intelligent girl..) she use to correct me all d time if I do something wrong like a gud girlfriend.. N cares fr me too) ...
i kno ma question is a bit complicated bt plzz try to answer>>> thanx in advance...

I'm a 45 year old "bisexual/lesbian" and I've been with my girlfriend Norma for 21 years. I love her so much but I admit that I cheated on her with many men over the years. Norma was always so forgiving, because she loved me. She even forgave me when I got pregnant with my daughter Brittney, who is now 19 years old. Norma loves and accepts Brittney; she receives NO support from her father and frankly, I prefer it that way.

But I found out yesterday that Norma has been sleeping with Lela, the woman that was supposed to only be her best friend! They've been sleeping together for five years and I'm so hurt. First off, I NEVER cheated on Norma with a woman. To me, men are good for nothing but sex. However, romantically, sexually and emotionally, I consider myself a lesbian. At the end of the day, a man can give me temporary pleasure but NEVER eternal happiness. I thought I found "eternal happiness" with Norma but she's having sex with her best friend. She must be in love with this woman! Norma is the only woman I ever loved! She's the only PERSON I've ever loved! Can you understand why I'm upset?

not sure if he is even the father to begin with? My sister would like to sign over her daughter (my niece) to our mother (the baby's grandmother), but she made the mistake of marrying the father (and is also about to divorce him). She is going to see a lawyer in two days to get her divorce papers set up and to sign her over to mom. Is there any way that she can sign her over without the father having any say? She isn't even sure he IS the father. Couldn't she sign her over by herself if there's a possibility he isn't the father? I mean wouldn't that delay him having any say while they wait to do some paternal testing? She is 17, he's 18. He is currently away in basic training for the army. He is also very abusive and controlling. My sister no longer wants this responsibility of caring for a baby, and we don't want him anywhere near the baby. We don't want him hurting her. My sister has been abused by him already. That's part of the reason for the divorce. I thought that parents on the birth certificate have equal rights to the child, but if there is any loop hole that someone knows about I'd love to know what it is. Like him not necessarily being the father. This is urgent, thanks!!!! btw we're in Florida.
and to the smart alec who commented seriously want an abusive man (boy) raising this child? The mother takes worse care of her than Britney Spears. This baby has a shot at being taken care of. My mother said that as soon as my sister (the baby's mother) gets on her feet and has her own place, she will gladly hand her back over. She doesn't WANT to have to raise her grand-daughter but she's glad to do so if no one else will. Which is the current situation. The baby will HAVE parents. But this guy has serious issues. Control issues. People you see on those shows about a guy murdering his whole family.
They got married 4 months after she was born and yes he is on the birth cert. unfortunately
my mother was talking about having him sign over his rights to her, as though he didn't have a choice. Is that even possible? I didn't think you could make someone do that. He has no drug or any other kind of felonies, if it helps. They're going to try to say that since she (the baby's mother) has no way to support the child and since he will be away, that my mother is the fit caretaker.

I'm trying to find a good song for my father daughter dance but most of the typical ones are country and both of us would rather rip our ears off than listen to that. I love my dad and i know he would dance to anything I wanted but I want to pick a song that he would like. He likes most rock, classic, alternative, hard rock, soft rock and even some older pop music. His favorite band is Pink Floyd. So if any one knows of a song that fits in that genre, thats appropriate, not over tacky and danceable that would be helpful. Thank you. If anyone suggests Tim Mcgraw i will give you a negative vote.

I am 23 years old. My daughter is almost a year. Her father left me when I was 3 months pregnant. He is 28.I love my daughter and fought hard and won at the custody hearing. But lately I am getting more and more depressed that I have to deal with everything alone. I didnt get to enjoy my 20's like her dad did and he continues to party and have a great time. I changed my lifestyle for my daughter and he hasnt. Everything is still the same. Im beginning to not know how to deal with anything anymore. What should I do?

My daughter and I having been living with my Fiance' for over 2yrs. I gave up 90% of my furniture and just kept stuff that meant a lot to me. Well in that two years my daughters room has never been fixed up with all of her things,and none of my stuff was allowed to be in his house either. All of our things are out in his garage in boxes. Except our clothes, and my big screen t.v and my kitchen pots and pans,and cooking utensils. We (my daughter and me) have begged and pleaded for us to be able to put up his deceased girlfriends clothes and things so we can put our stuff in and have room,so we can feel like this is our home to. But he Always made excuses.
I had a chance to move into real nice apartments and he told me that we wouldn't be able to stay together if I took the apartment,so I didn't. But our relationship has gotten real bad now and I'm trying to find me and my daughter a place to live. HE say's one min. get out and then the next he's really nice and wants us to make things work out, But he still won't let us do anything or bring our things in to help us feel better.
Now all he does is start arguments and complains about anything and everything, leave then no don't and when his Step Dad died,I was out of State With him for over a week and I stood by him. Then my mom died and I was at her bedside when she took her last breath, it was the worse time of my life. My mom was my best friend and he didn't care enough about me to come to the hospital and he didn't care enough about me to even show up for the showing or funeral, Then this past September my brother died suddenly in his sleep, he was only 49yrs. old and again this man who says he loves me didn't come to my brothers showing or funeral and he was buried 1 day before my moms 1yr. anniversary of being gone. He doesn't understand why I'm so hurt and angry and said I need to get over it. Then my daughter was abused by her father and CPS was called, and my fiance' hates this man anyway(my ex) but he promised my daughter he would always be there for her and needless to say he didn't go when she had to say what all happened in front of her dad and of course her dad denied all of the stuff. My daughter is type 1 diabetic and she started getting sick and Cps Would not investigate the abuse, They lied about every thing and my fiance' hasn't been there at all instead he starts arguments so he doesn't have to be. Please give me feed back if I'm wrong for wanting out of this relationship and I don't love or respect him anymore! All he does is complain about anything and everything. He won't even go with me to see my family during Holiday's or any other time.

My dad passed away suddenly of a heart attack on Nov 27 2007. We were very close & had a great father daughter relationship. The loss was heartbreaking to my whole family. Although its been almost two years, I find myself missing my dad more and more. Lastnight, I was lying in bed listening to my ipod and just started crying thinking of memories and how much I wished I could just hug him but knew i had no way.

That night i had a dream about my dad , he got out of a car and i was looking out the window I saw it was him and got so happy (in my dream I already knew he wasn't alive) he then came up to me and gave me the biggest tightest hug and i was holding him crying my eyes out never wanting to let go. I told him i loved him so much and he told me he loved me two. We then took a picture together and the picture developed right away and all you could see was me. That's all i remember... Was my dad trying to reach me in his sleep to let me know everything is okay and that hes watching over me? Or is this just me missing him...?

My ex-wife is an alcoholic with a diagnosable personality disorder. She followed the path that her mother took and subtly drove a wedge between my daughter and I from the moment that my daughter could talk until emotionally I was shut out. Just as happened with her father. I felt that I was never allowed to bond with my daughter and as she grew my parental position was constantly undermined. Any attempt to impose even the mildest form of boundary was undermined and met with over-indulgence from my wife. Also my wife had a perverse nature that required anything good to be spoiled and eventually destroyed. By the time my daughter was 11 years old she and I had become strangers under the same roof. The situation became intolerable and when my wife realised that our family was likely to break up she then instigated emotional blackmail that instead of resolving the situation, actually made it worse.
After the split (2003) I tried to share my daughter but was thwarted at every turn. After 3 years of being treated like a leper I left the UK and now reside in Europe. I have not seen my daughter for over 4 years. I have constantly sent messages of love and encouragement with at best no response, at worse to have my advances rebuked.
I have no help from my family as my childless sister pays lip-service to me ex-wife to ensure access to the 'child she never had' and her misplaced surrogate motherhood has had devastating consequences.
So to sum up.
1, A daughter who I understand is difficult to control and experimenting perhaps too much with alcohol. She has a history of self harming, prescription drug overdoses, and treatment for depression (She is now 17 yrs).
2,An alcoholic supine mother with no control over my daughter. I know she has poisoned my daughter against me but is in total denial and convinced friends and family that the difficulties between my daughter and I are nothing to do with her.
3, A sister who even my parents (My Mother has since died) as long as 15 years ago described as behaving in a peculiar manner due to never having had children. (She knew 18 months before I did that my daughter was self harming but entered a pact of silence with my ex-wife to ensure that my wife didn't cut off access).
4, Me. I'm now 61 years and in torment with this hurt that never goes away. I liken it to an endless bereavement.
I feel that I've done everything I can to resolve or at least improve the situation and have

For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son etc. would He compliment His son with a daughter to complete His creation? As in mother, father and children?

I saw the first 20 minutes or so of a very disturbing movie awhile back.
-It began with a decent into an afterlife.
-A mother, father and teenage daughter at a rental cottage.
- Mothers drives car off the road into river.
- All three actors are well known.
- I thought teen girl was Reese Witherspoon, but appears I am wrong.
- Released mid to late 90's (?) as girl makes reference of going to Pearl Jam concert.

Any clue what movie I am talking about? I would love to see the rest someday.

OKkk I hve been with this girl from last 8 months.. there were a lot of on and off in our relationship coz of love.. We both had a fantastic understanding and shared a very stong realtionship.. I supported her all the time...Now we both are not studying in same school coz I have passed out and she's in 11th grade..
2 months ago things get little troubled.. We both had a mess and she break up with me.. Jst to make our realtionship work I put everything(blame) on me.. Although I was not totally wrong.. Her parents got to know about our realtionship( and in india its not normal for a girl to have a boyfriend from parents point of view)..
But still I triied ma best to keep our relationship working.. I even had a word with her parents and assures them dat we (me and my girlfriend) are unknown to each other ( so dat she do not loose her parents trust)..
Okkk nw after a month of pleading and everything she agrees to settle things with me.. Only becoz I warned her(in a very polite manner dat I will tell her parent about our relationship only becoz her dad was shouting at me and he even told ma father dat ur boy is disturbing our daughter coz he thinks I am chasing her and wanted to build a realtionship with her, and its spoiling ma image in ma parents eye.. ).. she ws afraid of d fact dat her parents got to knw abt her daughter havin bf so she agrees..
But she told me not to call coz she dnt have a personal cell and have a landline no..
and told me to wait for her phone.. Okk I agree with her...

After a week I opened ma orkut profile and ws checking ma skul profile.. ANd heck Wat the hell I saw... There was a poll about whose (ma grlfrined name) boyfriend..??? and dammed there were names of the other guys.. Ma name was there too.. But this new guy is getting d most votes.. I m getting 2nd higest.. (okkk Nw 95% chances are dat she has created this poll herself. coz no one is concerned about her.. Who d hell is she.. Hardly many people know's her... Bt ya I was the most popular guy of ma skul.. N ya I m nt jst faking it.. Everybody from grade 1st to 12th knows me and wanted to be ma frnd.. hehehehe )
I was nt allowed to call her or meet her so I finally left a offline to her on yahoo about this issue.. And a offline to her best frnd too regarding this issue and ask her too contact me.. Okkk she show'ed no signs nt even replied to ma offlines.... Den I finally cut off from her.. Its almost 10 days dat I have not send her any offline or any msg.. At once I think dat I Should cut off from her bt den I thinks dat I should try to contact her atleast after a month of no contact and make one last effort to make things work..( after almost 20 days more).. Coz there might be d chances dat she is trying to make me jealous so dat I try to get her once again and she also able to maintain her pride.... COz whteva I kno abt her she's good girl( okkk nt dat gud bt ya she's a sensible and intelligent girl..) she use to correct me all d time if I do something wrong like a gud girlfriend.. N cares fr me too) ...
i kno ma question is a bit complicated bt plzz try to answer>>> thanx in advance...

i am pregnant with my third child. after i had my first child (my daughter), my husband told me that he never wanted to go to the ob/gyn appointments, and that he only went because he didn't want me to get mad-- this is in addition to the emotional abuse and neglect that he put me through. because of the abuse i ended up having an affair and getting pregnant. since i was still married to and (for some strange reason) loved my husband, i did not let the other man have anything to do with me, the baby, prenatal appointments, sonogram pics, anything since i wanted to save my marriage (my husband knew). he went to court and got that changed. my husband and i got divorced, and i have stayed single for four years (aside from a "buddy" situation with my husband, but that's another question). over the course of these four years, the other man and i decided it was best for our kid to be friends, and decided that a lot of our drama came from other people fueling it on. well, after a night of drinking we got carried away, and a few weeks later found out i was pregnant again by him. this is something i did not want, and before you bash me personally for not using protection, i feel that night is a blur in and of itself, it would be very hard for me to tell you for certain whether the sex was consensual or not. he is a more hurtful person than my ex husband, but i feel like i am trapped into being friendly to him simply because he is always threatening to take our son away, or contacting my ex husband and go in cahoots with him to make sure my kids never see me. i feel trapped. i digress... i have other medical issues that i speak to my doctor about that are not pregnancy related, and since we are not married, i know he has no legal right to know this information. this is on top of the fact that my "dear" husband essentially told me he didn't care about the progress of my pregnancy, so i do not trust anyone who says they have an interest in any other pregnancy. he is now pushing to go with me to the doctor, saying that he will go tomorrow to get a lawyer to take away a child that hasn't been born yet because i don't want him at the appointments. this may be his child, but it's my body transporting this kid... i should be the one to dictate whether he comes or not, right? i don't feel i should be threatened into sharing information about myself (that, again, is not pregnancy related) with someone that has no legal right to hear or discuss it. what can i do to get him to back off? i am stressed enough as it is, the last thing i need is him forcing himself into parts of my life i don't need him in. while i understand his desire to know the baby's ok, and his need to know my medical history should i die and he would be the sole caretaker of our kids, the symptoms are embarrassing and i would rather not discuss them with him in the room. i am almost to the point of going to a lawyer myself, and asking what can be done for him to back off. i'm tired of him using the law to think he can back himself up, i'm tired of him telling me 'no wonder ***** fell out of love with you while you were pregnant', i'm tired of hearing him tell me how horrible of a mother i am, when all he does when he doesn't have our son is sit around and drink all day, and i'm tired of not getting help from him regarding my work schedule, he acts like if he has to take our son an extra day due to the babysitter being sick, then i "owe" him. i live in kansas, what can be done as far as emotional abuse, and what are father's rights when it comes to an unborn child?

I have been with my husband for 6 years and married for 4. I have a step daughter who is 6 and has lived with us since she was 2, I have a 2 yr old son, and a 1yr old son and I am 6 months pregnant. My husband is 26 and I am 21. He cheated on me about 6 months ago, for 6 months. He ended it with her and I am sure he's not with her anymore, we are now in a diffrent state and I had him hmage his phone #. I decided to forgive him because I truly do love him. We are past that. He doesn't leave me to hang out with friends, he's been really good about staying home with me and our kids. I don't ask him to he does it because he wants to. But lately I just don't feel like he's into me like he used to be. We have sex once a week if I'm lucky. I'm not fat or ugly, I'm pregnant but not huge! He hardly kisses me, hugs me, it's like everything is routine. U know befor we hang up love u, love u too. Hug and kiss before he leaves 2 work and when he gets home. My husband is Mexican he isn't really sweet or romantic, or thoughtful. I am, we just had our 4 yr anniversary and he forgot I bought him a new wallet, a really sweet card and made him his favorite dinner. And he forgot. All he could say was he was sorry. Even on our anniversary, we dent have sex, he passed out before I could get the kids to bed. Sometimes I just think like, why is he even with me he doesn't seem interested any more, is it because we have kids? He loves our kids sooo much he plays with them all the time, he's a great father. I don't know what to do, I've tried to bring up my feelings and he just says don't worry, I do love you. But it just doesn't seem like he does. I just want to have tht same guy I met 6yrs ago back he used to hug and kiss me, u know I felt loved and cared about. I don't understand I do everything for him, cook, keep the house spotless, take care of our children, I took in his daughter like she was mine, I do EVERYTHING!!! What else can I do to save our marriage??

So for the last 6-7 years I've been almost in love with this guy. We never went out even after I told him how I felt. My crush and I have always had a great friendship. We do loose touch with one another every so often, but always seem to pick up were we left off. So i moved on and started dating someone else who ended up being a childhood friend of my crush. I become pregnant and my boyfriend left me when I was about 5 month pregnant. My friend stepped right in and really helped me. I always had feelings for him before, but after this I really feel that I became in love with him. While I was pregnant it was the closest we ever got. It even became physical. We both decided not to tell anyone because he was still close with the father of my child's family and we both didn't want any trouble. After my daughter was born her father came back into the picture. After a few months I decided to brake it off with my friend and try to have a relationship with my ex again. Since then I have barley talk to my friend. I was just trying to do what i thought would be best for my daughter. My boyfriend and I got married and we moved. It was a horrible relationship. I don't think I ever loved him again after he left me when I was pregnant. Hes cheated on me more then once. So I left him and have moved back to my home town, in order to go back to school. This whole time i haven't stopped thinking about my friend. I would even cry about not being with him while I was married. I feel like I have made a huge mistake. Just recently I started talking to my friend again. I think i have made yet another mistake, because it has turned purely sexual. All I want is to have a real relationship with him and I don't know what to do. He is still friends with my husband's family so he doesn't want me to tell anyone. I just can't live with this anymore. Its been years and I've never felt this way about anyone. I can feel it down to my bones. I've just moved on before, but it hurts even more even after years. I mean I went years with out seeing him and thought about him everyday. I feel crazy because I don't even think he feels the same way about me. Its just absolutely tearing my apart right now. I want this relationship to be a real, public, relationship, but i'm not to sure its going to happen. I just don't know how I should go about dealing with this. I don't want to tell him I've been in love with him for years because I'm scared i'll sound crazy. I just don't know how to get what I truly want from this relationship, because I'm so scared of losing him again.

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