Friday, October 30, 2009

dad and daughter

Hospital precautions regarding swine flu meant this first-time father couldn't attend his daughter's birth.BALTIMORE -- A new father missed his daughter's birth but had a reason -- he was possibly infected with the H1N1 flu. Thursday, October 29, 2009.A Republican state representative in Georgia bought his 4-year-old daughter a hot pink .22 caliber gun for her birthday. No, we are not making this up.This book is a great book that helps men learn the how tos of taking care of their daughters hair. Gives you step by step instructions on how to braid, lets you know the tools of the trade.A dad shares his life and thoughts about attachment parenting and divorce and single parenting, including the joys and challenges of raising three children the attachment parenting way in the 21st century.This is no gimmick or publicity stunt. Mike Wallace and Chrissy Wallace want to be taken seriously. On Saturday, they'll make NASCAR history as the first father and daughter to race against each other when they drive in the Camping ...Digital Scrapbooking (Freebies) found on Thu, 29-Oct-2009 ---> Family/Mom/Dad/Daughter/Grandma,Grandpa,etc... Theme Freebies. Family/Mom/Dad/Daughter/Grandma,Grandpa,etc... Theme ...PHOENIX -- a�?I just never thought something like this could happen,a�? says the brother of a Surprise resident who was run over by her father Tuesday in a parking lot outside Department of Economic Security building in Peoria.PHOENIX -- Police are hunting for man who ran over two women in a parking lot outside Department of Economic Security building in Peoria. Wednesday, October 21, day an Dad was carrying his daughter from school to back home, but suddenly a High speed Truck came and thrashed the girl and her father was only seeing at that thrashed girl's body! See this much of crackling, can you imagine " how ...
i just got out of my mum's house (not entirely), cause she keeps pushing me to do things that i can't do e.g. like going back to court for access for my 8 month old daughter which i already had, but she wants her for herself without my fiance around her.

now i can't go back home after i got the call, i got nowhere to stay but my dad's.

i'm like 19 years old turning 20 next month and i still love my mum but her anger is out of control

then my fiance is about to live in adelaide which i want to go but if i do my mum will wipe me

so my daughters bio dad was court ordered so to speak over 6 years ago to pay child support for them, but has found a loop hole and has never paid anything because he is on ssi so they said they will see if he ever holds a job then they can take money from him but until that time his back debt just keeps going up..
yes i have inquired on this even though it dont seem right, ive even taking a rep with me and found out the same thing.

ok so my actual question is, i found out he maybe getting married...
if he gets married to a woman who is employed, does that mean that her money..which then will be their money..
can i start to recieve child support finally or am i wrong????

i had a dream that i was talking with my friend. and she was phycic somehow,(we're 13 in this dream btw).
in my dream she told me i would have 6 kids in the future and i just gave her a wierd look.
THEN, my dream shifted and i was married, (in my early twenties). it was supposedly the night after my wedding. and i'm still in my wedding dress and my husband in his tux. we were lying on a luxurious bed, just staring at the cieling exhausted from the day's events with our arms spread out. then in my dream, i told him, "i want our first child to be a boy." (btw, i've normally always wanted a girl, as my 1st child, so that was wierd.)
then my dream shifted once more and i was in front of the 99cent store, in my dream, the 99 cent store was a good store. i walked in with my 18 year old son, (who was blind). and we were looking at some clothes for him. i asked him "do want me to choose your clothes, or do you want ot?" and thats when my son was like my dad at the same time, but with the same face. he said. "i want to take nothing to guatemala>" i told him that didn't matter,(to my son again) and then he started feeling the clothes when my daughter(of 7 or8) and she got my hand and dragged me to aanother section of the store. this place was full of girly stuff, my son followed close behind.

then i woke up.

Honestly life is pissing me off honestly I have no friends If I go out I go out with my parents which this sucks badly. I used to have friends but ever since I tried to commit suicide in high school everyone suddenly stopped talking to me I try to change I try everything I go to work still and school but when I want to make myself busy its like im not happy at all. God sometimes i wished I didnt failed my suicide at first. I wanted because everybody was always teasing me because I was different and such thats the whole reason in all not much else to say. I have a lot of anger inside of me. No one answers when I try to talk to them . I feel like crying so badly like I wanna run away or something. Im not happy at all . I try to be but inside I'm not. My best friend doesnt believe in my dreams she is like my mother she doesnt support my dreams she doesnt think I can go far in life only my dad believes and tries everything so I can be happy he always asked me i m y happy i want my daughter to be happy i try to be happy for them no one else but it is hard when your not. What is wrong with me these days its halloween soon and im not going to school because im not interested i used to be insterested not anymore. Nothing interests me these days because I have no friends everytime i try to make a friend it doesnt last long i try to be nice but i feel i am annoying them (people in general) . I dunno what to do sometimes i just feel like im already dead to a lot of people.

when i was 5 to 11 my mom gave me an alcohol bottle to help me go to sleep, was that the right choice?

p.s. she stopped because my dad said it was unnatural.

I am a little worried because my dad's family has a long history of having Cancer. My 7 year old is also battling with Osteosarcoma. Well for the past month I have been having diarrhea with mucas. And it is like everything that I eat it goes right through me. Then after about 3 weeks of diarrhea I get constipated but it is a light color with a little bit of whitish to cream color. Other problems that I have been having is I have been hurting on my left side of my middle stomach. When my daughter sat on it I could not stand it, sometimes it feels like I have a ball moving around in my stomach. My joints have been hurting after I walk a little bit and also I have been feeling so drained and tired. I also have allot of these little tiny red dots on my chest, arms. Now they are coming out on my stomach and legs. I don't know what is going on and I am very worried. I have a doctors appointment but not until like 3 weeks from now. Somebody please help me as I am confused if I should go into the ER or just wait for the appointment. My sons Cancer doctor said that she thought that the red dots are that pitinki eye thing that means that you have low platelets. Thank you for reading my story.

Ok, so here's the deal. My daughter is 3 months old and her biological father has not been in the picture except for 3 days after she was born he came to the hospital and seen her for an hour. He was not placed on the birth certificate (noone was) and he has no rights or visitation... have dont have DNA done or anything thru court done. I've would like to now place my boyfriend who has been me since I was 2 months pregnant with her, and who I will soon marry on the birth certiciate and give her his last name........ The bio dad doesn't have any rights to say if this can happen or not, correct? Since he does not have any legal rights to sign over, and in the eyes of thet law doesn't exist as a parent to her?

me and my dad are having like a "bonding day" lol so yeah fun things in nyc

My boyfriend has 2 daughters who I have regularly spent time with and gotten to know. One recently left for college, and he (my BF) suggested that I add her to my facebook page (to stay in touch). I send her encouraging mssgs, but don't otherwise say too much. Anyway, my boyfriend go in a fight about a month ago and he deleted me from his page...I did not agree with him doing that bcs I felt he must have something to hide. He felt it was okay to not be friends and told me to get over it. Yet, his daughter was still my FB friend and one day I caught him in a lie about something bcs of what I had seen him say to her on her page. I called him out, and the next thing I knew, she had deleted me too. When I asked him about why she did that, he told me that he told her what I had said. I was hurt and embarrassed that he would talk to her about our personal business...and the situation made me uncomfortable. Since then, it has been "bugging" me...not so much the FB delete, but that he tried to control my access and involved her in our fight. I kept asking him for resolve but he told me to "get over it", yesterday, I sent an email to her, explaining my side, mainly that I did not mean for her to get involved what had happened between her dad and I but that I still really cared about her. Today, my BF called me upset (I copied the email to him) that I had bothered her with that...and that it made me look desperate. Still, I feel upset with him, and bcs I felt I had some level of relationship with her, I wanted to make sure that she knew my side. Thoughts? What would you have done? What would you do? Thanks for reading.

Okay so like my dad is like extremely strict in my opinion. I never get to go anywhere with my friends, if he sees me even talking to a guy he gets all upset. I am his oldest and only daughter and am about to turn 16 in like 3 months. All my friends always invite me places but most of the time i have to tell them no. I'm not allowed to wear make-up, am not allowed to have a boyfriend, and he choses who i can and can't hang out with. Please answer.

Ok here's the deal. I'm 19, turning 20 in May, a senior in college expecting to graduate in Spring of 2011 (5 years in college total). I work as a math tutor at a community college and I still live with my parents. And I'm an only child.

My parents pay for my $250 car payments, $100 car insurance, phone bill, and I don't pay any rent. I pay is for prescriptions, doctor's appts, internet for my phone, hair appts, and anything else that I need or want besides the household groceries. And I love my parents, we get along great.

But here's the thing, my older cousin laid up and had 2 children, 2 and 4 years old, that she won't take care of. So my mom took custody of the 2 year old girl and her mom took the boy. My mom has basically been taking care of the girl since she was about a month old. It was fine when we were living with relatives in a four bedroom and there were plenty of people to help. But now my dad is retired from the Navy and it's just the three of us taking care of a bratty, attention-lavished 2 year old. Sometimes we have to take care of the mentally delayed 4 year old as well.

She has to sleep in my room, even though we have an extra bedroom, and every day after going to school or working until 7pm I have to come home and help with her somehow, or else I'm not doing my share to live in the house. I don't get any sleep because she wakes up crying almost every night. Every weekend, I have a hard time getting my homework done, and I have basically NO time to do anything fun that I want to do unless the girls mom isn't at work or the club and is will to babysit her daughter, and it's starting to cause a big strain in my boyfriend's and my relationship (who I'm planning on marrying) because we have no time together unless he goes to school with me. And my grades are suffering because I have no time to study and I'm always so tired from lack of sleep and stress.

Am I being ungrateful to want to move asap? Should I just suck it up for the next year and a half so they can pay for everything until I graduate? Don't get me wrong I love my little 2 year old cousin but it's becoming too much for me to deal with. Sorry for the long post btw...

I've already been looking for people that need roommates by the campus just in case they take my car, and have found a room in a townhouse for $335 a month.
For those who said I don't help, I do help with her A LOT and voluntarily also. But it bothers me that her mother can go to movies and go on dates and do really whatever she wants. But me, who did not choose to have children yet, cannot.

Hopefully whoever is reading this has at least seen the movie "Coraline". It's based on a story where the little girl "Coraline" has lousy parents & finds a secret door which leads to the same, but nicer, funner mom & dad. That's the gyst of it. So, I thought it looked like a cute movie, it was rated PG & for children, we watched it together.

Now, whenever my 4 year old does something she's not supposed to, I usually give her time out or take away some of her priveliges when she acts up. After watching that movie, she insists I'm not her Mommy & wants her other Mommy. She yells "You're not my Mommy, I want my other Mommy, NOW!" It's been at least 2 months since we've watched the movie & she continuously says it. I try to explain to her that she has no other mommy, just me! Which she doesn't, I gave birth to her you know, I'm not her step mom or anything. It's the same thing when my husband puts her in time out, or her Nana, she yells I want my other Nana, or Daddy! Especially when she does it in public, I have people staring at me like I kidnapped her!! It's so frustrating I don't know what to do, please help! I'm tired of people looking at me like I'm a criminal & I'm tired of my daughter saying I'm not her Mother. I've tried everything.

P.S. If you have toddlers, I highly suggest you do not let them watch Coraline, it looks like a cute children's movie but it's not.


I never had a father. Sure, technically I did; but never once did I feel like he was. Maybe it was the divorce before I was even one years old. I still see him in hopes that I would gain that connection with him, but I knew no such thing would happen. My step-dad was closer with me than my biological dad was, but alas, father-daughter connection that I hoped I would have someday with them; something to savor until I grew old. Oh how I longed for that day. I dreamt of the day when I would be able to feel like my dad loved me, and that I could call him a�?dada�� and mean it. Oh how I yearned for that day

Ok, well I absolutely HATE Miley Cyrus, so my friend and I are doing this little skit making fun of Miley, but its kind of not exactly about her.
It's gonna be called "Mommay...." because that is what Mylie (we spell her name like My-lie on purpose because she her mom (Mommay) had her and did not tell her dad. Mylie doesn't know who her dad is)
Here is a summary-
Mommay is a troubled mother that adopted one child and had a surrogate mother for another. The surrogate daughter is her daughter Destinie and the one she gave birth to was Mylie. Mommay will soon learn that Destinie is an angel, but Mylie is a total handful.
Mylie Cirrus Tippin- (Purposely spelled wrong)- MYLIE'S AUTOBIO-
My name is Mylie. I live with my mommay and my sister, Destinie. I hate Destinie. I hope she dies in a ball of fire. I am four years old, going on four and a half. I have two friends, their names are Nemo and Gang. I called 911 for Mommay putting me in the corner. I called it child abuse and I got taken away to a family called the Tippins. Mrs. Tippin, Mr. Tippin, and Kylie Tippin are my new family. I hate them. I hope they all die.
Destinie- (AUTO BIO) I'm Destinie Chappin, and I love my mommay, but I hate Mylie. Mylie is a total meanie and I hate her. Mylie got me taken away from my Mommay because she called Child Abuse. She was only two, though. She's smart for her age.
Mommay (AUTO BIO)- I keep secrets from my daughters. They think I am in Africa saving the Elephants because Mylie doesn't remember that she called 911 reporting me for Child Abuse when I put her the corner. Destinie does remember, but plays along with me. Neither of my daughters know who their father is (it's a secret). And I won't tell. Destinie also doesn't know that she was conceived by a surrogate mother. However, Mylie is a lie because I did not tell her father I had her. That's why I named her "My Lie" but pronouced My-lee. I love my
daughters, and I get a lot of time with them because the police allows me to. I do not have a job and live off of my mother's money because I am currently going to college.

So, do you think this would get a lot of views on YouTube? Do you like the concept? People at our school love it, but IDK....

Ok, well I absolutely HATE Miley Cyrus, so my friend and I are doing this little skit making fun of Miley, but its kind of not exactly about her.
It's gonna be called "Mommay...." because that is what Mylie (we spell her name like My-lie on purpose because she her mom (Mommay) had her and did not tell her dad. Mylie doesn't know who her dad is)
Here is a summary-
Mommay is a troubled mother that adopted one child and had a surrogate mother for another. The surrogate daughter is her daughter Destinie and the one she gave birth to was Mylie. Mommay will soon learn that Destinie is an angel, but Mylie is a total handful.
Mylie Cirrus Tippin- (Purposely spelled wrong)- MYLIE'S AUTOBIO-
My name is Mylie. I live with my mommay and my sister, Destinie. I hate Destinie. I hope she dies in a ball of fire. I am four years old, going on four and a half. I have two friends, their names are Nemo and Gang. I called 911 for Mommay putting me in the corner. I called it child abuse and I got taken away to a family called the Tippins. Mrs. Tippin, Mr. Tippin, and Kylie Tippin are my new family. I hate them. I hope they all die.
Destinie- (AUTO BIO) I'm Destinie Chappin, and I love my mommay, but I hate Mylie. Mylie is a total meanie and I hate her. Mylie got me taken away from my Mommay because she called Child Abuse. She was only two, though. She's smart for her age.
Mommay (AUTO BIO)- I keep secrets from my daughters. They think I am in Africa saving the Elephants because Mylie doesn't remember that she called 911 reporting me for Child Abuse when I put her the corner. Destinie does remember, but plays along with me. Neither of my daughters know who their father is (it's a secret). And I won't tell. Destinie also doesn't know that she was conceived by a surrogate mother. However, Mylie is a lie because I did not tell her father I had her. That's why I named her "My Lie" but pronouced My-lee. I love my
daughters, and I get a lot of time with them because the police allows me to. I do not have a job and live off of my mother's money because I am currently going to college.

So, do you think this would get a lot of views on YouTube? Do you like the concept? People at our school love it, but IDK....

Ok, well I absolutely HATE Miley Cyrus, so my friend and I are doing this little skit making fun of Miley, but its kind of not exactly about her.
It's gonna be called "Mommay...." because that is what Mylie (we spell her name like My-lie on purpose because she her mom (Mommay) had her and did not tell her dad. Mylie doesn't know who her dad is)
Here is a summary-
Mommay is a troubled mother that adopted one child and had a surrogate mother for another. The surrogate daughter is her daughter Destinie and the one she gave birth to was Mylie. Mommay will soon learn that Destinie is an angel, but Mylie is a total handful.
Mylie Cirrus Tippin- (Purposely spelled wrong)- MYLIE'S AUTOBIO-
My name is Mylie. I live with my mommay and my sister, Destinie. I hate Destinie. I hope she dies in a ball of fire. I am four years old, going on four and a half. I have two friends, their names are Nemo and Gang. I called 911 for Mommay putting me in the corner. I called it child abuse and I got taken away to a family called the Tippins. Mrs. Tippin, Mr. Tippin, and Kylie Tippin are my new family. I hate them. I hope they all die.
Destinie- (AUTO BIO) I'm Destinie Chappin, and I love my mommay, but I hate Mylie. Mylie is a total meanie and I hate her. Mylie got me taken away from my Mommay because she called Child Abuse. She was only two, though. She's smart for her age.
Mommay (AUTO BIO)- I keep secrets from my daughters. They think I am in Africa saving the Elephants because Mylie doesn't remember that she called 911 reporting me for Child Abuse when I put her the corner. Destinie does remember, but plays along with me. Neither of my daughters know who their father is (it's a secret). And I won't tell. Destinie also doesn't know that she was conceived by a surrogate mother. However, Mylie is a lie because I did not tell her father I had her. That's why I named her "My Lie" but pronouced My-lee. I love my
daughters, and I get a lot of time with them because the police allows me to. I do not have a job and live off of my mother's money because I am currently going to college.

So, do you think this would get a lot of views on YouTube? Do you like the concept? People at our school love it, but IDK....

My nightmare began at a house witha bunch of people and my daughter was outside when someone walked by and shot a gun. My daughter who is 9 now but seemed to be around age 4in my dream was shot in the upper chest/lower throat. we called 911 and a firetruck arrived, but the ambulance didn't come. I was frantic as were my mom and dad, a fireman grabbed my daughter who was holding her head down, breathing, but not moving - we got ina car and the man drove us to his house and said the hospitals were full - at that moment i realized i needed to call her father (we are divorced) and he wouldn't believe me she was shot. i then ran to her and she was lifeless, but awake and i was frantic about getting her help - then i woke up in tears. does anyone have any idea of what could have caused this dream?

My partner has three children aged 14, 8 and 4.
They lost thier mother three years ago and I have been dating their dad for the past five/six months.

At first they were fine with me, the two girls (14 and 4) would go shopping and his son (8) loved it when I went to watch his football games.
But recently the 14 year old has suddenly decided she doesn't like me. She finds anything to start an argument with me and has begun to turn her younger brother and sister against me.
She tells them that I'm not thier mother so they shouldn't listen to me and things like that. However, thier dad tells them that I do have authority with them and they do have to listen to me.

I feel like I'm fighting a loosing battle with the oldest girl and feel the younger two children are listening to thier sister.

I have tried having nights in with her - just me and her with a film/take-away but she won't be how we were used to be.

How can I get her to be like we were two months ago when we got along?

My partner is on my side and he will always tell his children that I have to be listened to and he will punish his daughter when she starts arguments with me. (if she is in the wrong) If I am in the wrong I always apologise.

Has anyone got any advice on how to be a friend and 'parent' to the children?
Her relationship with her dad hasn't changed. She doesn'y argue with him, whenever he tells her that I am somebody to be listened to, she'll just have an argument with me. And most of the time I'm not even there when her dad talks to her.

Here are some symptoms that I have. very dizzy, I dont have a thermometer but I feel like im burning up, legs feel achy, runny nose, back kinda achy, tired , small cough.. thats it.

DETAILS... I went to Kalahari (BIG INDOOR WATER PARK) from last Saturday to Sunday.. and i went with my dad step mom and her daughter..... Well this will probly give it away but my dad tested positive for swine flu yesterday. And i spent 2 hours with him in a car and I slept in the same bed with him (I had to no other beds =< )


Please don't be. I have to share my story. If you have a relative you want to find but are too scared to look for them because you're scared of possibly being rejected, look for them anyway. Be realistic though and prepare for the worst in case rejection happens but don't let fear make decisions for you.

I was scared for look for my dad until I was about 26. "When I found him, I was scared to ask him for more detailed information about my long lost half-sister. I finally faced that fear more than 10 years later. Turns out my dad believed his long lost daughter didn't want anything to do with him and my half-sister was brought up to believe my dad didn't want anything to do w/ her. What they BELIEVED prevented them both from looking and finding each other until about 6 years ago when my half-sister posted her search on the web which I found when I was looking for her. Both were wrong for 43 years and wanted to be found.

I hope this encourages others to look because even if you're rejected, you'll never know and won't be able to more forward otherwise.

my brother,his wife and 1 yr old live at my parents house but my sister-in-law is LAZYshe doesn't contribute to chores around the mom cooks and cleans..all she does is wash their clothes and she will cook for her daughter but she never washes the dishes she's been going on about 2 yrs..if my mom was healthy it would be a bit better but she's had breast cancer and had part of her muscles removed so she can't tire herself out..i've talk to my bro and his excuse is her dad did everything for her and its taking her time to learn how to do i wrong about her laziness?or should i put an end to it and just talk to her??

so her dad left her mom when she was really young and she feels that he desn't care for her. She really wants to get to know him, or for him to at least make contact. She really misses him and at parties where there is a father-daughter dance, she'll go to the bathroom and cry.
I really want to help her, so I came up with an idea.

one of my other friends mom's actually works with my friend's dad (she is a nurse, he a docter) so I was thinking she could deliver a note to him from my friend and then make him read it in front of her. Then, he might try to get back in touch with her because it's the right thing to do.

any other ideas?

would this work? I really need help here...
I really dont want her 2 feel bad

i am really lost and dont know what to do. My husband and I have 2 girls. My daughter and his daughter. No children together. We have been married almost 3 years. The first year we spent apart most of the year as he was in Korea. We have a very difficult past with lots o mistrust and insecurity. Nothing that I know of since we got married but alot that I found out after we got married that was lied about. 1 of them being a very serious matter. Anyway. I love him and I know he loves me. We constantly fight though. Every single day. And I cant say anything without me being stupid or him getting an attitude. He has that speak when spoken to attitude. I am so unhappy and I know he is. I dont know what to do though. He is the only dad my daughter will ever know as her real dad left before she was born and He has been there since she was 10 months old (shes now almost 5). My daughter is still, 2 years later, completely devastated that we left her nama and papa and the rest of the family and goes to bed crying every night still bc of it. But I know if we leave she will miss her daddy. We are stationed in Alaska and the rest of the family is in the lower 48. She would also miss her sister and will I very much. He has no patients though and is often really hurtful to my daughter while letting his daughter get away with the same things and she is 6 years older.
I work full time, go to school. have 3 home based businesses, take care of the girls, our 3 pets, and clean the house, dishes, laundry.everything and it is never appreciated. he finds the one thing wrong with the house and says I never do anything!!! The problem is with the distance, If I leave and we work things out I cant come back and Im scared. My daughter will miss them and I cant give her the life she has here. We have a car, own our house, she has a very stable and provided life but she hears us fighting all the time.if we leave we will have the rest of the family but no job at first, we will have to stay with family for a bit, no car, and no daddy and sister, no insurance. What is best for her? I have gotten so used to the military lifestyle. it feels really "right" I love everything about it. And will find it very difficult to adjust to civilian life again. (not bc of the money and benefits either like some girls, Im talking about the closeness, friendships, volunteering, etc) Its not like a normal divorce where she could go see them on the weekends and I could move out and we could work things out. Its one or the other. We leave and say goodbye to everything or we stay and fight. My parents fought alot when I was growing up but never even knew at all until I was an adult. We cant/wont control ourselves. We are both good people but not together. Also with early return of dependents can I move myself and get reimbursed like a dity pcs move?
Please Help

I am really lost and dont know what to do. My husband and I have 2 girls. My daughter and his daughter. No children together. We have been married almost 3 years. The first year we spent apart most of the year as he was in Korea. We have a very difficult past with lots o mistrust and insecurity. Nothing that I know of since we got married but alot that I found out after we got married that was lied about. 1 of them being a very serious matter. Anyway. I love him and I know he loves me. We constantly fight though. Every single day. And I cant say anything without me being stupid or him getting an attitude. He has that speak when spoken to attitude. I am so unhappy and I know he is. I dont know what to do though. He is the only dad my daughter will ever know as her real dad left before she was born and He has been there since she was 10 months old (shes now almost 5). My daughter is still, 2 years later, completely devastated that we left her nama and papa and the rest of the family and goes to bed crying every night still bc of it. But I know if we leave she will miss her daddy. We are stationed in Alaska and the rest of the family is in the lower 48. She would also miss her sister and will I very much. He has no patients though and is often really hurtful to my daughter while letting his daughter get away with the same things and she is 6 years older.
I work full time, go to school. have 3 home based businesses, take care of the girls, our 3 pets, and clean the house, dishes, laundry.everything and it is never appreciated. he finds the one thing wrong with the house and says I never do anything!!! The problem is with the distance, If I leave and we work things out I cant come back and Im scared. My daughter will miss them and I cant give her the life she has here. We have a car, own our house, she has a very stable and provided life but she hears us fighting all the time.if we leave we will have the rest of the family but no job at first, we will have to stay with family for a bit, no car, and no daddy and sister, no insurance. What is best for her? I have gotten so used to the military lifestyle. it feels really "right" I love everything about it. And will find it very difficult to adjust to civilian life again. (not bc of the money and benefits either like some girls, Im talking about the closeness, friendships, volunteering, etc) Its not like a normal divorce where she could go see them on the weekends and I could move out and we could work things out. Its one or the other. We leave and say goodbye to everything or we stay and fight. My parents fought alot when I was growing up but never even knew at all until I was an adult. We cant/wont control ourselves. We are both good people but not together. Also with early return of dependents can I move myself and get reimbursed like a dity pcs move?
Please Help

I split my 6 year old son with my ex-husband and I get my son every other week. Over the summer my ex married the women he cheated on me with 3 years ago. It's a given we do not like each other. Also, over the summer they moved in together and blended their families. She has two children and my ex has partial custody of our son and his daughter from his first marriage. My husband works in the evenings, so 5 of his 7 days with my son, his new wife cares for my son while he is at work. My son says that his step-mom spanks him hard and when my son gets mad that she is spanking him that she spanks him harder. He said, mom it hurts a lot when she spanks me! He also says, she locks in him in the bathroom when he is bad. Which my ex did tell me that, yes, they use the bathroom as my son's timeout place. I don't believe she should be physically touching my son and mad that my ex is not even caring for my son on his weeks. Just from the stuff my son tells me it is like she punishes my son because I am his mother. She always tells my son, that she is nice to me and I am just so mean to her and doesn't understand why? My son says, his dad and her fight all the time and she says how much she hates me, thinks I am stupid and calls me a f*cking b*tch all the time. I feel so bad for my son. I feel sad for my son and don't know if I should be upset and say something or keep my mouth shut? I hired a lawyer to get my son more but the process is taking forever. Since my ex received my lawyer's notice of representation letter, my son has been complaining more that his step-mom spanking and her sons are calling him stupid all the time. My son has told me a lot of awful things they have said about me and how I don't really want him and love him. I am just frustrated and don't know what to do anymore? I feel lost.
I should add my ex will not communicate with me at all. She makes sure he hates me as much as she does. His new wife even went to the extent of making a false email address (pretending that the alias email address was me) and corresponded with herself. She said things that I wanted my ex husband back, which I can assure you 110% I would never him want him back. These are the things she makes up in her head and convinces herself, nothing that is based in truth or fact. She even tried to file those emails with police as harassment and send them to my boyfriend in hopes she would cause trouble. She will do anything to make sure I never have any contact with my ex-husband, even if that contact ONLY concerns my son and nothing else.
No I am not making it out more than what the facts are. Yes, the had an affair but I care more about my son than holding onto that. I have seriously tried to make peace and asked them to move on from the past. I get met with mean comments from them. And yes the lawyer knows about the spanking but unless you have solid evidence to prove it, it is hard for them just to go off what my son reports to me. The legal process of custody issues is very slow. I thought when I hired my lawyer it would be a faster process and would be a lot easier. It is not as easy as you might think. You feel stuck in the meantime of waiting.
of course i try to tell my ex about what my son says. he doesn't want to hear it. he then calls me a lair. you have to understand, he needs her to watch his son so he can work and not to have to pay for daycre. he did it to me when we were married. he worked weird hours and I was always the one with the kids. i would love to tell him and her off or keep my son from them but then i don't want to legally set myself up where they can come back at me and try to take my son from me. it is a fine line you have to walk. i want to protect my son but i am trying to do it the right way and the legal way.
Wait, before you start saying you are going to report me. I have tried to tell my ex husband. I am met with only resentment and hate. I do care for my son greatly where I hired a lawyer and would do anything for him. I am going off what my son tells me when I am not around. I take everything my son says seriously and as the truth. that is why I took legal action and have a lawyer helping me. I would never let anything happen to my son and never turn the other way. I am just frustrated with how long the legal process is taking to get my son away from these people.
I guess at the time of my divorce I wanted to be civil and hope for the best. I never thought my ex would let this happen. I certainly wouldn't have agreed to joint custody. I would keep my son from him if I didn't know he was going to call the cops and show them our parenting plan which states we have joint custody. I have acted before hiring a lawyer in trying to get my son more and it only has lead to more threats from them. I have even flat out asked my ex if I can have my son on the days he works in the evening so my son can be with a parent. my ex only cares about having to pay child support if he did that. I have told him I would sign a legal document stating I would not seek anything financially from him. I just want my son, nothing else. you have to understand i am not dealing with rational people. trying to get custody of your child is not as easy. I thought going to a lawyer and hiring them was a simple solution. you need lots of money for it to be super easy & fast.

I have been with my boyfriend for almost 5 years now and we have 2 kids together. Before my current boyfriend I dated a guy for 4 years and we loved each other dearly but because we both young and immature we used to quarrel a lot . I moved to the states and met my now boyfriend and my ex stayed in England .We actually never split up , we kept in contact and tried the long distance thing for almost a year until i met my boyfriend and i told him about it but we kept , talking and texting. We both know we still have feelings for each other but cause i am with someone else we never acted upon it . But we see ourselves calling each other almost everyday now and we recently decided to meet somewhere during my vacation which i am taking solely for the purpose to meet him . I am so torn and not wanting my kids to loose the home they have with their dad . I love my boyfriend but not in love with him . I know for sure that what i used to and still feel for my ex is totally different from what i feel for my boyfriend. I already feel guilty so please dont judge. i just need some advice and need to understand why is it that i can't get my ex out of my mind after so long.( FYI . We havent talked for almost 9 months when i had my first daughter cause he was so pissed at me )

he was diagnosed w/ a sinus infection saturday and didnt get his prescription filled until monday. he also kept smoking until i finally took his cigarettes away b/c he started coughing like my late grandfather did when he had COPD.

he is now on his roughly 5th day of antibiotics(zpack), and all he does is take cold drugs all day and sleep. i had a severe sinus infection combined w/ a severe allergic reaction back in the spring(my throat was so swollen i couldnt swallow). my head hurt so bad that i couldnt even move, and i was expected to still care for my son all the time. after about the 2-3 day of antibiotics and a cortisone shot, i felt alot better. he has been doing this for the last week. i finally freaked out a bit on him last night, as he slept all day and all night. i had been up tending to him until 4am and my son got up at 9:30am, and he is a very active 18mo. and into everything non-stop, so i was exhausted, and given this is like the 5th to 7th day in a row of this, i was pretty burnt out as well, in addition to him all but refusing to go to school or get a job or do anything that might help provide for this family & instead sleeping all day, along w/ his mother seems to think that i should take care of my son by myself at all times, along w/ keeping the house immaculate, and some how i am supposed to find the time to make $100,000 dollars a year all on my own while her son sleeps all day and smokes and drinks all night and she tells everyone else in the family that she is raising my son, and that i do nothing, which couldn't be more of a lie. meanwhile my sil is supposed to receive infinite support b/c "oh poor her" she is by herself w/ the baby while my husbands brother is working a good job, along w/ she has her parents to watch the baby and has a car.

i told him that i felt like i was all alone and i was tired of being expected to not only be essentially the primary caregiver for my son constantly, w/ no help as far as child care, along w/ i am supposed to some how make $100,000/year on my own while taking care of my son and keeping the house immaculate(this is the amount of money his mother thinks i should make b/c that is what she believes you have to make in order to survive, and so that i can support her son, whom she thinks is the best thing since sliced bread and can do no wrong. she is also the biggest pathological liar i have ever met. i dont think i have in 5 years heard her tell the truth once).

i also confirmed tuesday of this week that i am pregnant. i havent told him yet, and i am pretty sure when i do tell him, he is going to get mad about it(when i got a faint positive last wednesday, he tried to say it wasnt positive and then went on a rampage about why did i have to tell him this now, after it was the first time in about 4 days i had seen him for more than 2 seconds as he had to go and take care of his mom while his grandmother was at the hospital. it was about 2 in the morning, but like i said-first time in 4 days i had seen him, and he was supposed to go back first thing the next morning and be gone again.), even though i made him be safe, as i wasnt on my bc, & he knew it, he took it off mid way through.

i have also been finding receipts for liquor in the car, along w/ empty beer cans,wine bottles, & 40 oz bottles all through our garage, along w/ the occasional empty liqour bottle that is his brand, that he ties to blame on the neighbors(we live in an apt. complex w/ working professionals and grad students, & he drinks canadian mist & leaves schlitz cans outside our garage and is trying to blame this on our neighbors). i have had to hide my pain pills from when i had my son, as well as any anti anxiety meds i have had in the past as when i was on xanax & that sort of thing for severe anxiety, he would steal them, along w/ my pain meds( i had an emergency c section w/ my son, so i had hydrocodone & some others).

this last week has about put me to the end of my rope. i have been looking for a job for a very long time now, but w/ no success.

i just don't know what to do. going to my parents is not an option as they disowned me over a year ago(my mother is a borderline personality w/ a bunch of other things tied in, & she refuses to take medication or do actual therapy, & did not like my dad having a father daughter relationship w/ me as it took attention from her, so she manipulated him into disowning me or she would divorce him & take my sisters & he would never see them again).

what do you think is going on w/ my husband?
the taking care of his mom was just prior to the sinus infection. also he mixed sudafed, nyquil, & alcohol the other night & started acting like an incoherant(sp?) jerk & trying to fight w/ me while i was trying to get our 18 mo. to sleep.
he had the flu tests & they were negative.

The one where the mom and dad take their college attending daughter to the olive garden and her roomates go as well. Who is the actor that plays the dad? I swear I've seen him on a tv show!

My Husband and I have a 8 month old baby girl and she is the light of our world...My Husband works full time 50+hours a week and I work Full time 3 days a week 36 hours a week. I work as a Nanny and bring our daughter with me, so I am basically a SAHM who gets paid!! LOL anyway I have asked him twice to watch Lorelei on Wednesday Mornings from 6:30-9:30am while he is home on his day off...he has refused giving me the excuse he is tired and wants to sleep in...Now he is the one that usually is up first on the weekends and gets her food and watches her for an hour or so while I sleep in...but he got up early on the weekends even before we had the it unreasonable for him to watch our daughter for 3 hours once or twice a month? I would just like some time without having to worry about her...I work wednesday mornings and get two kids ready for school and drop them off to school at 9:15am so I would be back by 9:30am and then I would be home till 12:00pm when I would take the Baby with me and get the other two kids I watch and get lunch and then go to there house...He would then have from 12:00pm till about 7:00pm to rest and relax and all that...He is a very hands on Dad and an awesome Husband and he will clean the house or put cloths away on wednesday if it is needed but he usually does that after I leave...I just wanted other mothers/wife's opinion on this before I press it...Thanks

I have a daughter. I found out that I was 3 months pregnant after I had been dating someone for about a month I suppose. The father of the baby didn't want anything to do with the baby. I told the guy I was dating and he still wanted to be with me anyway. He and I got married and since then he claims my daughter as his own. He led his Mother to believe that the baby is his which I had no part in at all. I never once told him to tell his family that the baby is his. I appreciate everything my husband has done, except his lie has put me in a difficult situation. My daughters biological dad has a Mother who has been wanting to see my daughter for a long time but hasn't yet. She has asked again to see her soon and I'm torn on what to do. I'd feel very guilty If I didn't let her see my daughter but my husband doesn't want her to see my daughter at all. I have talked to him and letting her see my daughter but he gets mad and doesn't want her to. I torn on what to do, please help. Thanks..
My husband has his name on her birth certificate. I don't want to keep it a secret but it is not my place to tell his Mother. He is very sensitive about the subject. I don't want this to cause problems in our marriage because I love him very much and to me he is the real father and he acts like so.
Thank You for all of the answers. I have never actually met his Mother because of military reasons. I didn't allow him to say that to his Mother, its not like I was there when he told her. However, I will work towards him telling the truth. He really is a great dad to my daughter and is just sensitive to the fact that she is not biologically his. I've decided to let the grandmother meet my daughter. My husband is away right now but I will talk to him about it the best way I can and hope he will become more open minded.

My 22 month old is a very loving girl and very intelligent. She just seems to be behind all of those her age. I hate reading those developmental websites that say your kids are supposed to be doing this and that. For example, she just started talking (has about 5 words) and she just started to do things for pretend play. She didn't point with her index finger until she was 18 months old nor did she point to things in a book until a couple of months ago. She is just now putting puzzles together and her communication is much better than it was. Everything I looked up pointed to Autism which she clearly doesn't have (4 professional have evaluated her and have said that she is clearly "normal"). She points to things of interest, is very social, smiles, laughs, and plays normally. However, it seems that everyone I come in contact with has a child that is far exceeding what my daughter can do. I love her and don't want to push her at all but it would be nice to know if there are other moms and dads out there who had a baby who just wanted to be a baby a little while longer.

My friend is a single dad and his 14yr old daughter just got a boyfriend. My friend and I are really close (as friends only, he has a gf of many years and I have a husband) and his daughter really trusts me. Last night we were on msn and she asked me if I could explain to her "stuff, cuz u know I have a bf now" and I ask if it was about protection and contraceptives and she said YES.Her dad asked me about a month ago to explain all this to her BUT I didnt see the right moment until just last night.

I am planing to take her for lunch to a place she likes and then talk to her seriously about it, I am going to a doctor today to get info for her BUT where do I explain this to her? How do I start? How and what should I tell her?
Any advise?

I have been married to her Dad for 4 years now. I have been a significant part of her life for 4 years. We see them every other weekend and for the last 3 years, we have been pursuing custody. She and I had a very close relationship and she trusted me completely. I was there when her mom let her down, broke her heart over and over again. I have been the 1 person fighting for her and her sister all this time.
Over the last 6 months, she has gotten progressively more and more disrespectful. She is lying. She mocks me. She spit on me accidentally and did not apologize, thought it was funny.
I have welcomed those girls into our home and told them this is their home too, that our family is incomplete without them. We have relocated 2 times to be near them. Our whole lives have been about these girls and I am absolutely at my wit's end with them. They know my expectations as far as respect for others and their property. Self respect and hygiene. Still they have developed no positive habits. They don't flush. They wipe their hands on their clothes, they eat with their mouths open, burp loudly and pass gas loudly at the dinner table....just horrible stuff.
I am 29 yrs old and together my husband and I have 5. 4 girls and a boy. My kids have been raised to be respectful, not talk back, ask permission, yes mam, no mam, please thank you. They aren't perfect, but they are being parented. Whay is it okay to allow this child to come into my home and get away with things I would not allow my own children to do?
She spit on me accidentally the other day and laughed about it. She rolls her eyes when she gets in trouble and i leave the room. She handed me my cell phone the other day (which she had no permission to have in the 1st place) and said "here, i deleted all the crap out of your phone. What she deleted was all the pictures of my 10 yr old daughter whom she is hateful to. I cannot let this continue to disrupt my home. Should I give her an ultimatum. She needs an incredibly humbling experience to open her eyes to the blessings she has in my husband and I. The sense of entitlement is like nothing I have ever seen.
Okay, all these sound really great and exactly what i was already thinking. The biggest challenge that I face, is not being afraid to punish, but not having the time. She's only here a day or 2 at a time, so grounding her doesn't stick.
She and my 10 yr old have always shared a room and this morning i moved all of her stuff out. She doesn't deserve to have the things that Summer does.
I have laid down some strict rules and her Daddy is gonna back me one way or the other....She will respect me for it in the end.
she has always seen me as this young girl her Dad married and I've always been able to be a friend to her, but I established a very distinct line between being a friend and being a parent. She knows how to cross it. And she does.
But regardless of custody, my husband, her mother or my in-laws, she WILL NOT come into my home and treat my kids badly. If she wants to be this way, she can stay at home.....

My 6 year old daughter told me the other day that she is going to Florida with her step dads mom in a couple months. We live in New Hampshire and I'm not comfortable at all with her going so far away for a week without either of her parents with her. I don't even know the person she'd be going with. Her mom hasn't even asked me if it was ok. I have joint-legal custody but she has full physical custody. I'm going to question her about it in a couple days and I need to know if I can simply say "no" to the whole thing. Thanks for the help!

I'm an 18 year old mother in a stable and long term relationship with a 20 year old dad. Together we have a 6 month old daughter. I live with my super strict parents and maintain an A- average in college. I have recently petitioned them to move out and my mother has called a lawyer to have my baby taken from me on account that she believes that I am irresponsible. I take care of my child independently from my parents recieving little help from anyone but her father. My parents have restricted me for such a long time that others in the community are concerned. I have no income as they won't let me seek employment and what money I do receive is from the babys father. Since I have petitioned to move, my mother has been taking my child and refusing to let me see her altogether and for long periods of time. This is emotionally and physically painful because I am still breastfeeding. She feeds her formula when she takes her. What should I do?

I have 3 grown kids who are married. It is like pulling teeth trying to get them to visit. Their father and I are divorced after 18 years and I have been remarried for 15 years and have a daughter 11 from this marriage.The only one who calls or visits is the middle child. when I asked about the others she says she don't know. I call them and they always say they are busy. They have time for their dad who is on his 4th marriage is an alcoholic and uses pot. I am hoping its not because they like his lifestyle better. I don't drink or use drugs. Could I just be too boring. My son has had a dui and has been in rehab and daughter uses pot but that shouldn't keep them away from me. What can I do to open the lines of communication ?? I drive to see them 80 miles and 90% of the time they are not home. Help if you can or if you have simular problems, let me know.

My sister divorced her husband when their daughter was around 3. The father "Bill" is still upset about this and moved to another state. He doesn't keep in touch w/ child (now 8). But the mom is always buying birthday &Christmas gifts for their daughter acting like it's from the dad.
Do you think this is a good decision? The kid is young now, but soon won't she wonder why she hasn't seen or spoken to her dad, but he is sending her gifts? I think it will hurt this child in the long run. I'm not a parent so maybe I don't fully understand the situation.
but the problem is we don't know where he is. he was in North Carolina for a while but all the #'s have been disconnected. He is an alcoholic loser so he could be anywhere.

Im getting very confused by the responses i got when i googled this. Can my daughter eat fish or not? I know that one of the baby food jars she has had in the past was tuna pasta bake....but she didnt like it anyway...but i wondered if she can have white fish like cod or haddock or pollock? I know not to have shellfish at the moment because of the allergy risk. But I am experimenting with new thigns to give her as finger foods so she can get used to feeding herself instead of me doing it, white fish seems good with the texture......oh lovely, she just brought me her dads shoes....anyway..advice plz

Umm, I'm writing like a novel/book in my spare time just for fun...compared to other writers I am quite young [I'm 12], but do you think this is okay for the opening of a story? I was just thinking there may be too much speech...=/ Tell me what you think, thank you in advance :)


As Beatrice trudged her way along the long, narrow alleyway meandering itsa�� way through some of the apartment blocks in the Northern-London area, she began to realise how exhausted she was, and how relieved that it was finally Friday. God, days go by like months in my life, she thought, itsa�� going to be a l-o-n-g time until I finally die. Fifteen years she had lived, and already she had seen the potential of a lifea��s outcome: a dark, empty nothingness. She turned round the corner, and held her breath while passing the filthy dustbins, which gave off a loathsome stench that wanted to make her gag. She fiddled around her rotten blazer pockets to find her flat key, and when she did, the door had already been opened.
a�?You said you would pick me up,a�? she announced.
a�?I told you, Bea, we cana��t afford gas for the cara��a�? her dad responded, as he breathed out heavily, from his cigarette.
a�?Mhm, however you can afford these?a�? she said, raising her eyebrows as she snatched the cigarette from her father and stubbed it out on her blazer.
a�?Yeah wella��a�? he murmured, as he caught her daughtera��s schoolbag that she had thrown at him.
a�?Good day at school?a�? he asked, hopefully.
a�?Naha��did you get the call from them? They expelled me,a�? she uttered, entering the kitchen.
a�?What!? Thata��sa�� the fifth school this year, Beaa��a�?
a�?You didna��t know, then? Just shows what a pathetically organised school they really are,a�? she smiled, sarcastically.
a�?Theya��re the only school left in this area that actually accepted you!a�? he cracked open two cokes from the fridge, and passed one to Bea.
a�?School-smools, for what Ia��m going to turn out like, a shop check-out lady or a hooker, you dona��t need an educationa��a�?
a�?Look Beaa��Youa��re a clever girla��a�? he started.
a�?Yeah, I guess I do work hard for my average Csa��a�? she rolled her eyes.
a�?I meana��you have great potential to lead a good lifea��a�? he hugged his daughter.
a�?Uha��dad? Haira��hair,a�? her hands wavered protectively over her dark-brown hair.
a�?Ah sorrya��nowa��go do your homeworka�? he kissed her on the forehead.
a�?Ia��m expelled, remember?a�? she pulled a cheeky grin, and after her father had given her a weak smile back, she trekked upstairs to her room.

Ten oa��clock on Saturday morning. Beatrice was woken by the sound of egga��s frying and spitting downstairs, and her dad swearing loudly for a reason unknown to her yet. After procrastinating to herself about getting out of bed or not, and staring at the ceiling for a while [which worryingly had damp patches on it near the edges], she heaved herself out of her bed. The floorboards creaked gently as she crossed the room to her mirror. She groaned as she wiped away the leftover mascara she hadna��t taken off properly last night, and stared at herself through her emerald eyes. She saw a girla��about 5.7ft staring back at her in a dark-grey bedroom, which had been decorated with black floral patterns. Her dark hair was messy in the early morning way, and her skin was smooth, totally spotless unlike the average teenager. After she had run a brush through her hair a couple of times she grabbed her vintage jacket and fumbled down the stairs sleepily.


I have a 4 yr old daughter who lives in Missouri with my ex (we were never married). We raised her together for the first 8 months and then she left me. She's had a couple of issues with drinking and driving. She was recently made to complete community service, I don't know how many hours. Her deadline for it is coming up and she's only completed a little less than half. What will happen to her? If she gets arrested, can I get emergency custody of our daughter? I am a stay-at-home-dad to a son I had with my wife. She's in the military and we are currently stationed in Japan. Can I go to MO, get custody, and take my daughter back to Japan with me? If so, how long does that take?

My parents want me to get married over the next couple of years and they say its because of my mum's health. I'm 23, working full time and studying on saturdays.

I've been telling my parents that I don't want to get married yet or any time soon as I want to finish my studies and hopefully find someone by myself.

My dad keeps on telling me that my mum is going to India to look for someone for me and that I should be married when I'm 25. When I tell him that I want to find someone myself and if it feels right I will ask her, but he keeps on saying that 'so you want to marry when your mum's dead' or 'you can tell your daughter (my mum) that as your the dad of the family'. My parents aways put me through this emotional blackmail, even tho I want to find someone myself an when I'm ready I'll ask her the question.

Please help.

lots of new advertisements in diwali ..
which ones did u like ?
i like the paints ad in which family members are discussing which color will be good
i also like another ad in which a daughter pays to buy a new car for her dad .. investment plan for young professionals ..something like that ..

what about you ?
I�I�I?QI�N� gI?N?a��z: not seen that .. must be funny
victorious India: that ad is very Pakau !

i left him when my baby was 3 months old. she is 2.5yr old now. never had the money to pay 4 a divorce, so never pursued it. so a couple of weeks ago, he emailed me asking 4 a divorced. i told him, well i want his parental rights. it was a ugly marriage, i was constantly abuse every way possible. which we kept quiet from the outside world, occasionally, he would slip and someone would see him treat me like dirt. well, he keeps emailing me asking if i want to do the divorce w him, i just don't know what to say. i have so much anger towards him, i know i will make him angry. funny, i was asked if i would need counseling when i 1st left him, and said no. but now i know it has affected that im in a stable and loving relationship. but that's a different story. oh and other reason i want his rights is, because he never spent time w my daughter when she was in his life. he wouldn't even hold her 4 more than a min...except when other people were around. he had to show everyone he was the perfect dad. yeah right! he was 2-faced behind closed doors. that u know a lil....what do you think? what should i say? or do? this is a serious matter, im looking for sincere answers. thank u :)
i thought, my bf cant adopt my daughter w/o my ex's rights? so if i marry my bf, will she be his (in case i die) and i will be able to change her last name, same as my current bf?

right.. so its four o'clock in the morning and i have just been told by my mother that i can either live with my dad or i can be put in a foster home. i would move in with my dad but the only problem is that my 18yr brother is living in the only extra room that my dad has. my dad also has plans to move out of state wich i would not feel comfortable with seeing how i have friends and a boyfriend here. now my boyfriends mother is perfectly willing to clear out an extra room for me. she already has treated me like her daughter for 6 months. im just wondering if that will all hold up in court.
i probably shouldn't be living with my mother anyways seeing as how she has no central a/c or heating so its really cold in the winter (and iv had to buy my own blankets) and really hot in the summer ( i have a box fan for my room.. but its not much help) the house is also infested with fleas because she insists on letting her cat out when it wants to go out. she rarely buys food because she eats at work and when she does she usually tells me not to eat it; that its for her or a meeting she's going to. once upon a time i was woken up at 2:30 am (when she gets up for work) and slapped across the face because i had neglected to finish washing the dishes (there were 4 left in the sink) i had a mark across my nose for about a month. .
im not over exaggerating any of this. its all true, but the question is: will i be able to live with my boyfriend mother?

Umm, I'm writing like a novel/book in my spare time just for fun...compared to other writers I am quite young [I'm 12], but do you think this is okay for the opening of a story? I was just thinking there may be too much speech...=/ Tell me what you think, thank you in advance :)


As Beatrice trudged her way along the long, narrow alleyway meandering itsa�� way through some of the apartment blocks in the Northern-London area, she began to realise how exhausted she was, and how relieved that it was finally Friday. God, days go by like months in my life, she thought, itsa�� going to be a l-o-n-g time until I finally die. Fifteen years she had lived, and already she had seen the potential of a lifea��s outcome: a dark, empty nothingness. She turned round the corner, and held her breath while passing the filthy dustbins, which gave off a loathsome stench that wanted to make her gag. She fiddled around her rotten blazer pockets to find her flat key, and when she did, the door had already been opened.
a�?You said you would pick me up,a�? she announced.
a�?I told you, Bea, we cana��t afford gas for the cara��a�? her dad responded, as he breathed out heavily, from his cigarette.
a�?Mhm, however you can afford these?a�? she said, raising her eyebrows as she snatched the cigarette from her father and stubbed it out on her blazer.
a�?Yeah wella��a�? he murmured, as he caught her daughtera��s schoolbag that she had thrown at him.
a�?Good day at school?a�? he asked, hopefully.
a�?Naha��did you get the call from them? They expelled me,a�? she uttered, entering the kitchen.
a�?What!? Thata��sa�� the fifth school this year, Beaa��a�?
a�?You didna��t know, then? Just shows what a pathetically organised school they really are,a�? she smiled, sarcastically.
a�?Theya��re the only school left in this area that actually accepted you!a�? he cracked open two cokes from the fridge, and passed one to Bea.
a�?School-smools, for what Ia��m going to turn out like, a shop check-out lady or a hooker, you dona��t need an educationa��a�?
a�?Look Beaa��Youa��re a clever girla��a�? he started.
a�?Yeah, I guess I do work hard for my average Csa��a�? she rolled her eyes.
a�?I meana��you have great potential to lead a good lifea��a�? he hugged his daughter.
a�?Uha��dad? Haira��hair,a�? her hands wavered protectively over her dark-brown hair.
a�?Ah sorrya��nowa��go do your homeworka�? he kissed her on the forehead.
a�?Ia��m expelled, remember?a�? she pulled a cheeky grin, and after her father had given her a weak smile back, she trekked upstairs to her room.

Ten oa��clock on Saturday morning. Beatrice was woken by the sound of egga��s frying and spitting downstairs, and her dad swearing loudly for a reason unknown to her yet. After procrastinating to herself about getting out of bed or not, and staring at the ceiling for a while [which worryingly had damp patches on it near the edges], she heaved herself out of her bed. The floorboards creaked gently as she crossed the room to her mirror. She groaned as she wiped away the leftover mascara she hadna��t taken off properly last night, and stared at herself through her emerald eyes. She saw a girla��about 5.7ft staring back at her in a dark-grey bedroom, which had been decorated with black floral patterns. Her dark hair was messy in the early morning way, and her skin was smooth, totally spotless unlike the average teenager. After she had run a brush through her hair a couple of times she grabbed her vintage jacket and fumbled down the stairs sleepily.


Chapter 1.
Brilliant streaks of lightning tore at the night sky. The full moon, barely visible behind the ragged, thick clouds, rolling like the sea in a storm, still managed to cast an eerie glow across the sky. Lilly's mum, a tall, elegant woman with long golden hair and the palest of blue eyes, scrambled to her daughters room. Snatching her from her warm bed, she led her down to the small room under the stairs. Dragging her behind some large storage boxes, she sat her down and threw an old blanket over her. Lilly huddled there in the corner, cold and confused.
a�?Look at me, Lilly,a�? her mum whispered, a�?You need to stay here and be very quiet,a�? she pressed her soft lips against Lilly's forehead as a tear fell from her eye and drizzled down Lilly's left cheek.
a�?What's going on?a�? asked Lilly, still half asleep.
Her mum took a quick glance over her shoulder, a�?Theres no time...a�? and hurried toward the door. She paused, turning to look back at her daughter for what could be the last time.
a�?I love you,a�? she choked, her voice breaking as more and more tears streamed down her face. She tried to smile warmly, but it wavered and died after a few seconds. Lilly was too confused to reply; She just watched as her mum rushed to shut the door behind her, leaving Lilly in darkness.
Lilly, who heard nothing but her own soft, quiet breathing, began to wonder if her mum had lost her mind. She shuffled forward toward the door, letting the blanket gently flop beside her; Pressing her ear against it, she closed her eyes and listened carefully. At first she heard nothing but the heavy breathing of her mum and dad, then heavy footsteps and a man's voice, sarcastic and menacing.
a�?I believe you have something that belongs to me.a�?
a�?I dona��t know what your talking about,a�? her mum replied, her voice strained and sounding higher than usual.
a�?Your blood!a�? he snapped.

Umm, I'm writing like a novel/book in my spare time just for fun...compared to other writers I am quite young, but do you think this is okay for the opening of a story? I was just thinking there may be too much speech...=/ Tell me what you think, thank you in advance :)

As Beatrice trudged her way along the long, narrow alleyway meandering itsa�� way through some of the apartment blocks in the Northern-London area, she began to realise how exhausted she was, and how relieved that it was finally Friday. God, days go by like months in my life, she thought, itsa�� going to be a l-o-n-g time until I finally die. Fifteen years she had lived, and already she had seen the potential of a lifea��s outcome: a dark, empty nothingness. She turned round the corner, and held her breath while passing the filthy dustbins, which gave off a loathsome stench that wanted to make her gag. She fiddled around her rotten blazer pockets to find her flat key, and when she did, the door had already been opened.
a�?You said you would pick me up,a�? she announced.
a�?I told you, Bea, we cana��t afford gas for the cara��a�? her dad responded, as he breathed out heavily, from his cigarette.
a�?Mhm, however you can afford these?a�? she said, raising her eyebrows as she snatched the cigarette from her father and stubbed it out on her blazer.
a�?Yeah wella��a�? he murmured, as he caught her daughtera��s schoolbag that she had thrown at him.
a�?Good day at school?a�? he asked, hopefully.
a�?Naha��did you get the call from them? They expelled me,a�? she uttered, entering the kitchen.
a�?What!? Thata��sa�� the fifth school this year, Beaa��a�?
a�?You didna��t know, then? Just shows what a pathetically organised school they really are,a�? she smiled, sarcastically.
a�?Theya��re the only school left in this area that actually accepted you!a�? he cracked open two cokes from the fridge, and passed one to Bea.
a�?School-smools, for what Ia��m going to turn out like, a shop check-out lady or a hooker, you dona��t need an educationa��a�?
a�?Look Beaa��Youa��re a clever girla��a�? he started.
a�?Yeah, I guess I do work hard for my average Csa��a�? she rolled her eyes.
a�?I meana��you have great potential to lead a good lifea��a�? he hugged his daughter.
a�?Uha��dad? Haira��hair,a�? her hands wavered protectively over her dark-brown hair.
a�?Ah sorrya��nowa��go do your homeworka�? he kissed her on the forehead.
a�?Ia��m expelled, remember?a�? she pulled a cheeky grin, and after her father had given her a weak smile back, she trekked upstairs to her room.

Ten oa��clock on Saturday morning. Beatrice was woken by the sound of egga��s frying and spitting downstairs, and her dad swearing loudly for a reason unknown to her yet. After procrastinating to herself about getting out of bed or not, and staring at the ceiling for a while [which worryingly had damp patches on it near the edges], she heaved herself out of her bed. The floorboards creaked gently as she crossed the room to her mirror. She groaned as she wiped away the leftover mascara she hadna��t taken off properly last night, and stared at herself through her emerald eyes. She saw a girla��about 5.7ft staring back at her in a dark-grey bedroom, which had been decorated with black floral patterns. Her dark hair was messy in the early morning way, and her skin was smooth, totally spotless unlike the average teenager. After she had run a brush through her hair a couple of times she grabbed her vintage jacket and fumbled down the stairs sleepily.
Ohh, and I'm twelve :)

OK, so my daughter has been complaining about the size of her breasts for as long as she has been old enough. She has seen the other girls around her grow, and she basically has no breast tissue. No bra needed.

The thing is,flat chests run in our family. And so do breast implants. I got implants when I was 20 (I'm a large D) and my sister did it when she was 21 (she is a DD). We both LOVE our implants and are thrilled we did it.

The thing is, is it ethical for me as a parent to suggest she get implants. I don't thing she NEEDS them, but I think they would make her happy. She is about to turn 18 and I would love to buy them for her. Is it OK for me to bring it up to her?

By the way, her dad is out of the picture, but I can pay for them no problem.

Hey everybody,
Guys my age don't like me romantically. I am 18, but I tend to mother my friends who are girls. And sometimes the guys in my age range. Mostly because they blow things out of proportion. I continually get asked if my 16 yr old bro is my son. I am not overweight (I've heard that makes you look older) and I am not stuck up. I tend to go for older guys because they make more sense and they know what they are all about. I'm still figuring myself out; I don't really want to raise a boyfriend. I'm mature. I'm smart. So how can I get an older mature guy to ask me out? But not a creepy kind. I flirt with older guys (and a few younger ones if they start it), but once they know my age they back off. I buried my question: How can I get an older, mature guy to ask me out?
P.S. I live with my parents so they would have to meet my dad and have the whole bring-my-daughter-back-like-she-left talk and be cool with it. Thanks!

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